Eddie Kaspbrak

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Trigger warning- smoking

Y/n walked out from her classroom to meet her group of friends, also known as the losers, under the tree where they would usually eat their lunch. Y/n never expected to make any friends at this school, she left her old school because of bullying and never felt the need to open up to people in case it happened again. But in the end, she ended up making friends thanks to a small boy named Eddie Kaspbrak.

He once saw her crying and asked what wrong, they were brought closer and he eventually asked if she wanted to hang out with his friends. She only really spoke to Eddie, just because she had a group of friends didn't mean that she was prepared to open up to anyone.

As she walked nearer the tree, she smiled when she saw them, placing herself on the edge of everyone. She was lost in her own world as the group of boys and girl spoke to each other. After a few minutes Eddie sat next to her.
"Hey, I might come to your house at like six, just to hang out. It is Friday, your parents won't have a problem with it, right?" She smiled at the invite.

"No of course not!" When the bell rang to dismiss everyone from lunch she continued her usual, boring, lessons.

At the end of the day she walked home. Her house was at the edge of the town, not too far from the middle of town, it's just meant that she had no neighbours. As soon as she walked in she was greeted by her parents constant arguing. She sighed as she put her bag down.
"I'm home!" She called to her parents, but was ignored. She rolled her eyes and walked outside. She sat on the curb of the street as she pulled out a box of cigarettes from her pocket. She pulled one of them out and sighed as she lit it.

Only three people knew about her smoking, her parents, who didn't care, and Beverly Marsh. Beverly only knew because one day she was caught by her at the quarry. She tried to persuade her to stop, y/n naturally used the excuse 'but you do it!' In response Beverly told her that it was addiction, nothing she done for fun, she should stop before she gets addicted. But it was too late, she was already addicted, she couldn't stop, it had taken over her. She was lost in her own trance, staring at a rabbit who was bouncing around at the edge of the forest near her house.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked, shattering her trance. She looked up to see who it was. Eddie. She quickly blew out her last puff of smoke before putting it out. "I came early because the losers and I planned to meet at four, but I couldn't ask you at school because I couldn't find you. But now I find you and you're doing this?! Why? What's happening? Bitch, what the fuck? This causes so many diseases! I won't be able to love you anymore!" He said, voice raising with every sentence. Y/n raised her eyebrows.

"What the fuck? I'm sorry Eddie!" Eddie looked at her in the eye and sat next to her. His heard fell into her shoulder and he started to cry.

"I'm sorry. Is it because I'm a bad boyfriend? I didn't mean it when I said that I'd stop loving you. I'll love you no matter what. I understand if you hate me now."

"I could never hate you." She whispered. "But, Eddie?"


"You mentioned loving me and being my boyfriend a few times. What did you mean by that?" Eddies eyes widened.

"Oh my god."

"It's okay Eds, I love you too." She giggled in his ear.

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