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[ chaeyeon ]

"Chae! What are you doing????" My housemate came home with two bags in her arms, glasses slid on her nose bridge, hair tied up into a messy bun, clothes looks like in the aftermath of sex, looking extremely fucked up.

"Can't you see i'm actually eating a cookie right here?" I stare at the table, which consists of a jar of bones-like shape biscuit and some scrappings of the biscuit im eating.

I then shrugged and lifts up the bone-like shape cookie, inserting it into my mouth one after one. Munch it in an ugly manner.

"OH MY EOMMA! LEE CHAEYEON STOP TF YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW!" she rush over and sets down the two bags of grocery on the table with a harsh "bang" sound.

She grab me by my wrist, stopping me from eating this heavenly delicious cookie and snatched it away. "What the actual fuck seo? Why do you snatch away my cookie????" I pouted and tries to grab another piece of cookie from the jar.

She smack my hand before i could even do so. What is wrong with this hoe? Just let me enjoy eating my cookie peacefully!!!!

"Chae, im sorry i forgot to tell you this..." she gives me an apologetic look and stares right into my eyes.

"That jar of biscuit is actually..."

"Dog food."

After 1235789124567 years i finally published a book ;-;

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