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I want to dedicate this chapter to a new follower MelTheFangirl.

Author note: Sorry it is a little late. I hope the surprise makes up for it.

Bruce POV

I left early this morning to run an important errand. I got to the jewelry store as it opened. "Good morning sir, I assume you are the young man that Mr. Stark sent about the ring." I smiled. "Yes I need an engagement ring for a special lady"

He showed me a ring that had an emerald in the middle with a small diamond on each side. It was perfect, I could see it sparkling on her finger. "I will take it. Here is my credit card." He pushed it away.

"Mr. Stark told me to add it to his account. He said if I wish to keep his business I won't take your money." I thought about arguing with the store owner but I knew I wouldn't win against Tony. I would just have to pay him back by making him my best man.

I was just leaving the jewelry store when my phone rang. The caller ID read Tony so I picked it up. "Hey thanks for the ring but you didn't have to buy it. I think I know how to thank..."

He cut me off. "You can thank me for ring later but you need to get back. Steve told Emma about what happened to Phil." I hung up and hailed the first cab I could find. I knew she would be upset and a certain question would have to wait for when she was in a better mood.

Emma POV

I have enjoyed my time with Alex. He is my little miracle. Over the last week Bruce and I have gotten closer. Spending more time as a family. Last night he surprised me with a picnic in the lounge. The doctors still didn't want me to leave the carrier just in case I had a relapse.

This morning I was finally told about agent Coulson. I couldn't believe Loki had killed him. I guess I always thought he would live forever. I have Nat watching Alex while I process this. I am hiding in the detention level, sit in the same spot agent Coulson drew his last breath.

"Nat said I would find you here." I looked up to see Bruce standing above me. "Sorry honey I just need to be alone right now. He sat down next to me. "No now is a time you shouldn't be alone. You are dealing with some tough changes. First you wake up and you have lost five years. Then you find out you have a son but you missed some of the most important moments of his young life. To top it all of a dear friend dies and there was nothing you could do to save him."

I shake my head no. "He wasn't just a dear friend he was a mentor. I first meet him when Nat defected to shield eleven years ago. I had just finished my online classes for my GED. I didn't go to school Nat thought it was best teach me herself. I realize now her work for the soviet put me in danger that's why she had me grow up in America."

He put his arm around me. "When I met Phil Coulson he took a special interest in my education. He was the one to help me decide on a college. Three years later I graduated with honors. Nat was on a mission but he was there cheering me on. That's where I met Tony, he was a special speaker. It was his idea for me to start my research on anger management. I spent the next two and half years working at one of his facility when I wasn't helping Nat on assignment, that's when we meet."

He kissed my forehead. "For that Emma I am thankful. You are my North Star, when I felt lost or wanted to give up over these last five years I just thought of you. It sound like Coulson was more of a f...." Our comms came on interrupting Bruce. "Emma I would like to see you in my office, bring Bruce with you."

I took Bruce's hand as he helps me up. "It's like he is God, he always knows what's going on." I laugh. "More then likely he has been watching on the security monitor." We head up the stairs to level three where Fury's office is located. When we are half way Tony joins us. "Fury called you too?"

He shakes his head. "No I have Javis tap the comms for certain people like you. Don't you feel special?" I smile at his cockiness. "No Tony you stalking doesn't make me feel special." He mumbled "it's not stalking." After that there was not more talking since we had arrived at Fury's office.

I walked in knowing he was expecting me. "Emma I see you brought Tony with you." I shrugged my shoulder. "He followed me here." He gestures Us to sit on the couch. "Well if you are ok with him knowing sensitive information then he can stay." I look over to Tony who is giving me the puppy dog look. "Might as well, he will figure out sooner or later."

Fury nods and continues. "I have been told that you found out about agent Coulson's death. I am sorry I know how close you two were. He left a video in case he died. The video was for you." I was taken back by this. It touched me that he thought to leave me a goodbye. "I am going to play the video now, I had you bring Bruce to give you comfort. This is going to be startling but you need to know where you come from."

That confessed me, shouldn't Nat be here too then. Before I could ask Fury about that the video started. There on the screen was Coulson. "Hello Emma if you are watching then that means I am no longer with you. I hope you didn't take my death to hard. I created this to let you know about your family. Your mother worked for shield. Her name was Vivian Beck also known as the Red Phoenix. She was extremely smart and one of the best agents we had."

Fury pauses the video to give me a picture of a woman who looks like me. I pass it to Bruce so he can see. "You can push play director I need to hear what he has to say." He sighed and stated the video again.

"She was in Russia when she found out that she was pregnant, she was on assignment. Unfortunately she made a lot of enemies and there was a price on her head. She hide out till she had you. Then she handed you to a family that she knew, a family who already had a daughter that resemble you. She left a fake birth certificate with them and had the real one sent to us." He stopped like he was trying to figure out what to say next or how to say it.

"She was found and shot on the way to the airport to board a plane to here. The family was suppose to bring you to America and hand you over to us. Before they could their house was set on fire. They must have know something was wrong because their daughter was found with you and both birth certificates not to far from the house."

Fury stopped the video. "Are you ok, do you want to continue?" I nodded not being able to speak and Fury pushes play. "We didn't know what happened to you. It wasn't till Natasha came on our raider that found out you were alive. Your father buried an empty box thinking that his only child had parishes in the fire and hated himself for not being there to protect you.

At this point Coulson started to chock up and had to take a deep breath. "If you want your original birth certificate fury has it. The name that was given to you was Cynthia Elizabeth Coulson. I want you to know that you were loved by both your parents. I am so sorry baby girl please forgive me for not telling you."

The video stopped and I felt like I couldn't breath. This is not real, it has to be a sick joke. I got up to leave the room and everything started spinning. I heard my name being called as the world went black.

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