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Dedicated to Godessofawesomeness for following me

Tony POV

"Tony what a surprise, why are you here?" I turn around to see Fury walk through the door to sick bay. "To see Emma of course." I have come to visit twice a week since she was put in here about two months ago.

"Then explain to me Stark why the doctors are complaining that you are bugging them." I roll my eyes. "I am not bugging them, I am just trying to make sure they are doing their job right." The little vain on the side of his neck starts pulsating. "They are the best doctors in the world, so just let them do their job."

I was going to comment but one of the doctors rushed up to us looking frantic. "Director Fury we seem to have a problem." I turn to Fury. "See I told you they are trying to kill her." Fury just ignored me and turned to the doctor. "What's the problem Dr. Phillips?"

She was a little flustered. "It's Emma, we ran the test twice but they all came back the same, she is pregnant sir." Fury turned to me. "Hold up I have only been bugging the doctors, I didn't do it."

Fury speaks in to his ear piece. "Agent Hill I need you to round up Steve and agent Romanoff and have them meet me in the conference room. I don't care if she is on a mission tell her it concerns Emma." He then speaks to me. "Lets head down there and wait for them Stark."

Later that day in the conference room

Fury has gotten Steve and Natasha up to speed. She keeps giving me the evil eye and I am starting to get ticked off. "Stop looking at me like that, I have Pepper and its not mine." She stalks towards me. "But with your track record no women is safe from you."

I was about to reply back when Steve interrupted. " Tony is many things but even he would stoop so low. Emma is like family and he wouldn't hurt Pepper like that." I was a little surprise that Capsicle was defending me. "Thanks Steve."

Fury who had been silent during our conversation, just walking around the table finally spoke. "If the information that agent Romanoff gave us about Emma's personal life is correct then she doesn't have a boyfriend it can only be someone on this ship."

"But how can you be so certain that it some one on this ship?" I ask. Fury drops a file in the middle of the table. "According to the doctors calculations she is two months along, so that puts the time of conception around the same time as the battle of New York. Every one who was here will need to be tested including the few men we lost when agent Barton attacked.

Thor is the only one who can't participate in the DNA test but I will attempt to get a hold of him. You both will need to see the doctors in sick bay to rule you out and I will get the others DNA." With that fury left us. " come on Cap lets get this over with." Steve got up and we left to go see the doctor.

Three weeks later.....

Steve, Natasha and I are sitting around the conference table waiting for fury. He called us in because all of the test have been ran. I hear the glass door open and we all see fury accompanied by Thor.

"Ok so who is the baby daddy, is it point break? Is that why he is here?" Thor advances towards me. "I am here because I consider Emma a friend and I am curious as to the identity of the father." Fury motions for all of us to sit before we begin.

"Everyone was been tested, Thor being the last since it was so difficult to get a hold of him. All test came up negative for everyone on this ship at that time."Natasha stands up and slams her fist on the table. "What do you mean, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! WHO DEFILED MY BABY SISTER!"

Fury tries to calm her down. "Agent Romanoff you will control yourself in my presents. I have had them checked and rechecked. She must have had a fling before boarding this ship." Steve who had been silent through the whole conversation finally spoke.

"It doesn't matter, we all will be the baby's parents. We are the only family it needs." That seem to quiet everyone down to contemplate our new roles.

But being me I couldn't give up the chance to crake a joke. "Boy or girl I still think we should name it Tony."

Seven months later.....

Steve POV

I was in the gym working out my aggressions for a world I still don't understand and for all I have lost. Then all of a sudden Fury called through the intercom.

"Steve come to sick bay, it's happening." I rushed out the door and headed towards where Emma has been for nine months. When I got there Tony was pacing in front of the door, running his hands through his hair almost to the point of pulling it out.

He looked up when he heard me coming, a look of fear I never thought I would see was in his eyes. "Everything was going good. They were making an incision in her lower abdomen to get the baby out but the heart monitor started going haywire, they think the baby is in trouble."

Tony sat down on the floor and the last man I thought would ever cry wept on the cold hard floor. It felt like hours but in reality it was only twenty minutes before we heard the cry. It loud, anger and full of life. Tony scrambled to his feet and we headed in to Emma's room.

There wrapped in a blanket cradled in Natasha's arms was a very upset baby. Natasha was smiling, trying to calm the child down "It's a boy and he seems to have the Romanoff temperament."

She hands him to me. "That he does but this black hair must be from the biological father." I brushed my hands through the small locks.

Tony came up to my left side and taking his small hand into his large one. "Steve look at his eyes, they are a mix of two colors. It looks like a muddy green color. Emma's eyes were an emerald green so the father must have have hazel or brown eyes."

"Enough." We turned to Natasha. "Steve is right we are the parents now not some mystery man and when my sister wakes up we will let her decide what to do about the father."

Wanting to relieve some tension in to room I changed the subject. "What are we going to call him?" I looked over to Natasha who was in deep thought. "Growing up Emma always liked the name Alexander."

I looked to Tony and he nodded his head in agreement. I looked down to see him fast asleep in my arms. "Hello Alex, I have a feeling you are going to make our lives very interesting.

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