ch. 14

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emily's p.o.v

"what wrong baby?" i said as stephens face nearly went white.
"nothing babe" Stephen said as get got up. a clear lie.
"don't lie." I said giving giving him a glare.
"it's my ex. don't worry." he said to me as he gave me a small kiss on my forehead. "i have to go film a short scene then we can go to my house"
"okay" I said with a small smile. he gave me a small kiss on my forehead. he left then I started cleaning up a little bit. soon there was a knock on the door.
well that was quick. i thought to my self. i then open the door. and what i saw on the other side changed my life.

...cliff hanger. so i thought i would leave this here and just let y'all think about who is on the other side of the door

jk on. sorry i had to.

"hi i'm cassandra amell and you must be the woman who is screwing my husband"

ok guys that is really the end. also thanks to greys anatomy for that line. ummm yup bye.

ok update. it's been soo long since i've put up a chapter but here is a super short one but yeah. i'll be updating again very soon. i'll try and get back on a regular schedule soon.

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