ch 20

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i woke up feeling even worse then i did the night before. i think i might have to not go in today which wasn't a big deal. i wasn't in any scenes today. i woke up stephen to make sure he got in on time and to tell him that i wasn't going with him.
"are you okay? do you need anything?" he asked looking worried.
"i think i just need rest, maybe some soup" i said.
"i'll run out and grab some. maybe some gatorade. and some crackers. then i'll be back but i have to go into work today" he said. honestly i missed him so much even if it was for just a few days. those few days felt like hell.
"thank you so much love." i fell back asleep until i heard the bedroom door open. he had set my stuff down on the table next to the bed. he wrote a sweet note and then was off to work. i later woke up. heated up the soup and turned on the tv. i tired eating the soup and threw up right away. i tried the gatorade and it helped a little bit. i was able to keep the crackers down. i don't even know how i could have got this bug. i went back to sleep around 12 and didn't wake up until 3 went my phone started to go off. it was stephen calling to check on me.
"how are you feeling?" he asked.
"a little better, i've pretty much just been sleeping all day and i couldn't keep my soup down."
"okay well i'm going to have to go. we are about film the start of episode 3"
"oh that's today. so today's the what 24th"
"uh yeah something like that"
"ok good luck. i love you. i'll see you when you get home"
"bye honey."

today is the 24th. i started to count the days until... wait. oh fuck....

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