Chapter 2

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"ADREAM!" "ADREAM!" I heard a voice called my name from far away.
"Mmmh," I croaked. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was still at the cemetery and it was pretty dark already. I could barely see the tomb from light that came from the lamp post that was at the end of the aisle.
"Oh, SHOOT!" I stood up as fast as lighting and looked at my digital watch. My eyes almost popped out of skull as I saw the time. It's was nine. I've been here since four in the afternoon. "Ouch." I grabbed the side of my neck and rubbed it. It's pretty stiff and sore since I laid my head uncomfortable on the ground.
"Adream," a familiar voice called my name out. I turned around to see my uncle Shawn running towards me with a very worried and relieved face.
"Tio!" I shouted.
"Adream, Oh god," he said as he caught his breathed and hugged me tightly around his arms.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, tío. Someone needs to go easy on those late midnight snacks," I teased as I patted him on the back. Still trying to catch his breath.
"ADREAM!" I flinch as he yelled and took hold of my shoulders and looked at me straight in the eyes. "Don't you ever do that again!! scared the hell out of us," he said as he brought me into another tight hug.
"Sorry, tío I didn't mean too. I must have dozed off while talking to mom and..." I pulled my cell phone out and wouldn't turn on. "...I think celly died on me." His face softens up a bit and he looked at her tomb.
"I'm sorry for yelling Adream, but we have been trying to reach you for the past few hours and you didn't answer any of our calls or texts while I'm at it. We got so worried and thought something bad had happened to you. Hold on let me call Juliet and tell her I found you," he said a bit more calmly as he called my aunt. He must be mad at me. He doesn't usually calls me by my name unless I've done something that's worried him and trust me those days are rare, really, really rare.
"...Yes honey....She is safe...No, no she's not hurt," he said as he eyed me from head to toe. "I'm here at the cemetery...she said she dozed off. She came to visit Evalengina's grave....Yes she is fine don't worry...okay yes...I will...I love you too." He put his phone back in his coat and gave me a disappointed look. He still must be mad.
"Sooooo.....what brings you back to these neck of the woods," I tried joking lamely knowing he won't forgive me that easily. "Adream," he sighed. Uh-oh here it comes.
"Yeah? Tío," I said as I gave him the best puppy eyes I could give him.
"What am I going to do with you?" he addressed the question more to himself than to me. "I can't stay mad at you for so long when you give me those adorable puppy eyes." Yesss! It worked. He hugged me again and kissed me on the top of my head and groaned. "I shouldn't have yelled at you. It's just that you scared the living shit of out of me."
"Sorry." That's the only word that I could think off.
"Don't apologize, just say your goodbyes and meet me by the entrance," he ruffled my hair and said a few words to my mom before he walked away.
"Help me out here mom, and hope Tio Shawn doesn't ground me. It was nice seeing you again. I will come back soon. I promise, I love you. " I kneel down and fixed the roses I had brought her. Last time I came was when we buried her and that was 3 years around this time and never came back once to visit her. I regret doing that now. I should have come visit you earlier maybe I would have gotten some closure like I did now. I skipped towards my uncle and linked my arm to his and hugged it tightly it was cold out. He pulled me in closer trying to warm my hands.
We were pulling up the driveway of his house. The whole drive over here my uncle Shawn was giving me a huge lecture about what happened today and not to ever, I repeat EVER do this again. He made me promise not to do this again and to give him a heads up next time. Even wasn't my fault. I must have forgotten to charge my cell phone last night. I blame Wattpad for that. Hey! It's not my fault I'm an addict. There were just so many red circled stars that I had to read them all last night. I don't know what happens, but every time a story gets updated I drop whatever I'm doing and run towards my bed and read. For a few stories I've been waiting for months, Months! For them to be updated. Now I have to wait patiently again and look forward the next update. We both got out of the car and walked inside. I found a very worrisome aunt standing near the door.
"Don't you love me at all!" my aunt Juliet said in between sobs hugging me tightly around my shoulders. Uncle Shawn had left us alone to talk.
"Tía," I whispered as I patted gently on her back, "I'm sorry, I promise it won't happen again. I already promise tío Shawn if it happens again you can put some type of tacking device on me." My uncle Shawn had made me give him my word that if this ever happens again he will install some sort of tracking device on a ring, or something. I told him he could just put it on my cell phone, but he said it's too easy for me to misplace it. At first, I thought he was joking, but the expression he had on his face in the car told me he wasn't kidding at ALL. I shivered from the thought.
"Promised?" the tone of her voice sounded very eager.
"Promise," I said. I knew she would be persistent until I gave in.
"Okay then, time to celebrate," she said in a sing-song voice. Hmm...I think she just played me again.
"Yes, honey, celebrate. It's your birthday after all." Oh, yeah. I forgot. "And its Friday so you can stay the night over and sleep as late as you want," she said in a giddy voice. "Shawn already talked to your dad, about spending the night here. He said it was okay and to have fun."
"Oh," it was all I could say. It kind of hurt that he knew it was my birthday and didn't say anything. It shouldn't have hurt this much he didn't say anything for my past two birthdays either, but I guess I'm still hoping he would.
"What's wrong?" my aunt Juliet brought me out of my thought. She grabbed my hand and pulls me towards the kitchen.
"Huh?...oh, no nothing," I shouldn't be like this - distracted - but every time I thought of my dad or brother's it just brought me down in the dumps. But I disregarded the feeling away and focused on my other family. I had promised myself to be happy even if it meant not being with them.
"Angel, your father loves you and I know he wants to spend it every day and time with you and your brothers...but you know...he is still grieving...he will come around one day. I promise." I know he is still grieving. We still all are, but why did he decided to shut himself up from his own children and family...especially me. He avoided me the most, but not as much as my brothers. He still kept away from me, but not as much as he did before. I first noticed it after my mother's funeral he wouldn't come near. Same thing with my brothers. All three tried to steer clear of me as much as possible, but soon they were able to be in the same room with me. They were able to say a small number of words to me and I would answer with a nod or couple of words as well. I know they blame me for mom's death and I know there was nothing in this world that would make them forgive me. I wanted to live like we did before, and put all this behind us. I really missed them. "You should have heard how relieved he sounded when I called him and told him you were uninjured and safe." My heart clenched up a bit. Did he really care? Or was he just pretending to care?
"Really?" my voice came out sounding a bit hopeful than I intended it to be.
"Yes, really. Your brothers were relieved as well to find out you were safe." I must be hearing things my brothers and dad haven't been the 'caring' type for quite a while. Also, I didn't want to get my hopes up and be heartbroken again. "Here," she stopped me before entering the kitchen area. "Close your eyes," I did and she tugged me inside. "Okay, open your eyes!" she yelled. I did as what she told me.
"SURPRISE!!" they yelled and popped some streamers at me. I was surprised to find out what my eyes saw in front of me. Not about the birthday celebration, but whom I saw standing in front of me. They were here. My two older brothers - Blue and Caden.
"What's this?' I said as I walked toward the kitchen island.
"A birthday party," my cousin, Jett, said in a duh tone. Jerk. What I meant was why were my brothers here. They haven't celebrated a birthday with me since after I turned 12 around the same time our mother passed away. Were they here to tell me off? Or to celebrate with me. I felt like crying for some reason, but I hold down the lump that was crawling up my throat.
"Oh, is that what this is. I didn't know a birthday party had balloons, streamers, cake and presents," I said sarcastically as I pointed to each of the items I had mentioned.
"Yeah, well now you know, stupid!" he shot back.
"Jett!" both my aunt and uncle yelled. "Don't be mean to your sister!" my aunt yelled. We were a close family, and I consider Jett and Skyler more like brothers than cousins. My Uncle Shawn and Aunt Juliet only have two kids. Skyler was the oldest he turned 18 in June. He became extremely protective of me after my mothers' death and wouldn't let anyone harm me in any way. Jett was 15 he was about six months older than me and never lets me forget about it. He thinks he can boss me around just because he is older. I saw Skyler stretch his arm and smack Jett hard on the back of his head. Jett winced at the pain and rubbed the back of his head.
"What the hell was that for?" he yelled at his brother.
"Sorry, my hand slipped," he said very coolly.
"HA-Haw," I did my best voice impression of Nelson from 'The Simpsons' - one of my favorite shows I might add - and pointed at Jett while he glared at me. I stuck my tongue out at and secretly raised my middle finger at him. I don't really like to curse or flip anyone off. That isn't who I am. I don't do it anyone unless that person is named Jett. And let me tell you, he abhors it when I flip him off, but I do it anyways just to mess with him.
"COME HERE!" he ran towards me.
"Tío!" I flew into my uncle's arms and used him as a shield. Jett wouldn't harm me, but when he does catch me he gets me into a headlock and gives me noogies until I yell the magic words he has taught me over the years.
"Jett stop trying to hurt your sister she didn't do anything wrong," my uncle Shawn said trying to hide his smile. I guess someone did saw me. Oops!
"She didn't do anything wrong," Jett scoffed. "She freaking flipped me off," he said accusingly.
"What?! No I didn't....I would're a liar!" I said a little dramatically. I heard a couple of chuckles around the dark red oak kitchen island.
"Yes, you did!" he said.
"No, I didn't!" I said.
"ENOUGH!" uncle Shawn shouted. "You kids are acting like 6 year olds," he said as Jett nodded his head and I shook mine.
If I said it was awkward listening to my uncle Shawn trying to explain 'The birds and the bees' to me well I guessed wrong. I rather have him trying explain that again because after our little riot in the kitchen we moved into the living room and as I walked in my aunt told my brothers not to be shy and wish me a happy birthday - hug included. They stood there awkwardly and I walk awkwardly towards them and hug Blue and then Caden feeling a bit awkward. Have I mention how awkward this has been. My aunt wanted us to 'bond' and though a hug will break the tension between us. My aunt and uncle known we've been distant towards each other and have tried their best for us to make amends. When I walked up to them almost tripping by the way I didn't know if a fist bump or hand shake would be appropriate, but they were the ones who pulled me into a hug and wished me a Happy Birthday. I saw a couple of flashes and that only meant it was my aunt Juliet taking pictures.
I blew out my candles and wished for what I have been wishing for the last two birthdays. And that was for us to be a family again.
I cut into the marble cake and pass a piece to everyone. Of course, I had to eat the part of the cake my uncle Shawn, Skyler and Jett shoved my face into. I decided to not retaliate since I had scared them from my little 'disappearance' today. I sat in front of the table where all my presents were placed and opened them one by one.
Skyler had given me a beautiful silver bracelet that with a small crest and star connect to each other and my name engraved on it. Jett gave me an adorable pillow pet Panda he knows how much I love Pandas with some matching pajamas. Well, actually everyone that knew me knew that. I was surprised that Blue and Caden had a present for me. Blue had given me a cute panda beanie and Caden gave me a beautiful sliver ring with tiny stars and moons carved into. I wonder if Skyler and Caden coordinated. I thanked and hugged each of my brothers.
Before we all moved into the living room my Uncle Shawn had stopped me and told me he had a tiny gift for me. And when he said tiny he meant the opposite of tiny. I squealed when I saw a GIANT classic brown teddy bear. It was almost as tall as me if I stood him up properly we would be the same height and I was 5'5 inches tall. It was cuddly and enormous. I am going to take my time and pick out a good name for my enormous teddy. We had all moved into the living room and were going to watch Toy Story 3. I haven't had a chance to see the movie so Skyler had bought it for me. The 'Toy Story' films have been one of my favorite childhood movies growing up. I was sitting in between my uncle Shawn and Skyler. Next to Skyler was Jett and Blue, Caden and aunt Juliet were sitting on the smaller side of the 'L' shaped sofa.
"Ready to start the movie?" Skyler asked looking down at me. I nodded with a grin on my face. I felt strange. Different. After visiting my mother's grave I felt as if I was able to breathe again. I wasn't pretending being happy because I actually was. Maybe visiting her and talking to her made me feel this way. "Are you sure? Cause I heard this film made a lot of people cry, especially the girls," he said with a smirk on his face.
"'s Toy Story have you seen the previous movies. They end with Andy playing with all his toys and live happily ever after. It will be the same for this one trust me," I told him stating the obvious.
"Okay...if you say so," he said laughing as he pressed play.

[Author's Note]:

Well? How was chapter 2? What are your thoughts on the brothers? And family?

And for those who have been long time Wattpad readers you can see how long ago I wrote this story. Lol A couple years ago when ever there was an update there would be a red star in the top right corner.
🚧 Don't forget I still need to edit and revise story. It's still under construction 🚧

Peace ✌🏼 & Love 🧡

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