A New Beginning

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It was a few weeks after the whole Gavin incident, and I haven't seen Gavin around much at all. Not that I'm complaining. Right now I was in home ec. with Aerith Gainsborough as my partner. I met Aerith three years ago when we got put in the same home room and we've been good friends since then. Aerith was always one to look on the bright side and try to cheer people up. Her family owned a flower shop in Town Square and I often saw her giving out free flowers to children.

"So Gavin hasn't bothered you since?" Aerith asked, forming a cookie from the dough our teacher gave us. I was eating some of the cookie dough, watching as Aerith did almost everything. Of course Aerith made me help later on in class.


I waited at the gates like usual, when I saw Gavin and some of his friends come by. I frowned and stared at the school doors, waiting for them to open and have Leon and Yuffie come to my rescue. Of course nothing happened.

"Hikari!" Gavin yelled, his friends laughing behind him. I rolled my eyes and didn't pay attention to them. "Aw, come on baby, don't be like that!" He continued, coming closer. By now his friends had left laughing their heads off at some joke. I continued to ignore him.

"I know you want me, so why don't we go to my place?' He whispered in my ear, and grabbing my butt. I screamed and jumped forward, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me to his chest. I squirmed as he breathed in my hair.

"You will be my greatest score." He whispered, licking my ear. I shuddered in disgust, and tried to get out of his grasp.

"Help! Hel-" I was cut off by Gavin's hand over my mouth. He then began to drag me towards the boy's locker room, where no one was. I struggled and bit his hand, causing him to cry out, but he didn't let me go. He got us in the locker room and shoved me against the wall, roughly attacking my lips with is own. I kept my mouth firmly shut and didn't respond, pushing and punching his chest with my hands. He pinned my hands above my head and with his other hand he began to inch his way to the inside of my skirt. My mind blanked, how do I get him off of me, then I thought of something. I went limp for a moment, making Gavin happy as it gave him more access to me, but right when the time was right I kneed him in the balls.

"AH!" He groaned, falling to the ground. I ran out of there with tears pouring down my face. When the gates came into view I saw Leon and Yuffie there. Yuffie was on her tip toes looking in my direction while Leon looked in the other direction. When Yuffie saw me she got Leon's attention. They both saw that I was crying instantly.

"Hikari!" They yelled at the same time. I ran straight to Leon and buried myself in his chest, wrapping my arms around him while balling. Leon wrapped his arms around me and held me close while Yuffie was freaking out. I suddenly felt Leon tense.

"Yuffie, take Hikari home. Now." He ordered, gently passing me to Yuffie. Yuffie put an arm on my shoulder and looked in the direction that Leon was sending death glares at. I looked to and started to sob harder.

"Gavin was leaving the locker room and was coming this way. Yuffie gripped my shoulder and lead me back home, soothing me. Once there I told her to go home too, saying that I was fine. I wasn't of course. I didn't tell mom or dad what happened because I didn't want to worry them. That night I sat on the window seat in my room with Kala in my lap. My rabbit had looked worn out and some stuffing was leaking from the arm. I heard the phone ring downstairs and mom answered it.

"Hikari, it's for you! Yuffie said it's important!" I swallowed the lump in my throat and ran downstairs to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice slightly hoarse.

"Hikari, Squall's in the hospital!" Yuffie said quickly. I gasped, my hand coming to my mouth.

"He got hurt in a fight really bad, he needs stitches on his face from a knife cut!" She continued. Faintly I heard Leon's gruff voice yell in the background.

"Don't tell her that!" I frowned, and started to grab my coat.

"I'll be there soon." I told her, then hung up the phone. I yelled at mom and dad that I was going to Yuffie's to study so I wouldn't worry them. I'll tell them the truth tomorrow. I sprinted all the way tot he hospital, not stopping until I saw Yuffie in the waiting room, pacing.

"Yuffie!" I yelled, slowing down. She stopped pacing and came forward, her face overcome with worry.

"He's in room 502. He won't say what happened." She explained, pointing down the hallway where his room was. I nodded my head and hurried to his room, gasping when I saw him. The cut ran from his forehead going down his nose and to his cheek. It was going to scar. He also had a black eye, several cuts on his arms and his lip was cut as well. Leon was sitting on the bed, looking as if he was just about to get up, but stopped when seeing me.

"Why?" I asked. I knew what happened. He went after Gavin, and he didn't expect Gavin to have a knife so this happened. Leon grunted, looking away.

"He hurt you, made you cry. I won't let him get with that. Besides, he took away your first kiss." U heard him grumble. I knew that he didn't want me to hear that but I did. I sighed, and walked forward to him. Leon watched me as I got on my knees and rested my head on his legs, tears streaming down my face.

"You stupid, stupid lion. What he did to me didn't count. My first kiss is reserved for someone else." I told him, lightly banging my fist on his leg beside my head.

"Oh, who's the lucky guy?" Leon spat, angry. I smiled, shaking my head.

"He's brave, kind, protective. He values honor and is incredibly handsome." I started, feeling him tense with each compliment I gave him. "He also would do anything for me or his friends. He truly is my Lion." When I finished Leon froze. I only called him my lion. Only him. Leon pulled me up and sat me in his lap, kissing me gently. I kissed back, careful of the cuts on his face. When we pulled apart I nuzzled his neck while he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's about damn time." I heard Yuffie say loudly, knowing that she was smiling largely.

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