The Undeniable Truth

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How was I supposed to know what was going on? How was I supposed to protect those close to me? I had no control of what would of happened.

The man gasped as Xehanort and his, minions took over the castle. They, were overrunning the place. The researcher looked for Even, one of the more reasonable people, but the scientist was nowhere to be found. The man began to panic, with Xehanort in charge and his orders to create more of the Heartless, he feared the worst.

"I need to leave, now." He muttered to himself. With more Heartless in the castle it won't  be long until the research center will lose control of them. When that happens this world will be consumed by darkness. He wasn't about to let him and his family be here when that happens.

"Mr. Sayumi." The man turned around to see Xehanort with Braig right beside him. "These two boys trespassed, I believe they want a job. Take them to the manufacturing room." Xehanort ordered, prodding two young boys forward. One had red spikey hair while the other had a Light blue colored hair. Mr. Sayumi frowned.

"But X-" He was cut off from Braig tsking him.

"That's Master Ansem, remember? I guess your old age is getting to ya." The threat was obvious, do what your told, or become another Heartless experiment. Mr. Sayumi nodded, regretting his future actions.

"Forgive me, I will take there Master, Ansem." Mr. Sayumi spat the name out. The name was being disgraced by being associated with Xehanort. Xehanort smiled, forgetting the rude manners of Mr. Sayumi. It didn't matter, he now had two new experiments to work with. Xehanort and Braig left, leaving two confused boys and an angry researcher behind.

"We don't want jobs grampa! The name's Lea, and that's Isa. If you let us go, we'll get you some ice cream, right Isa?" Lea turned to his blue haired friend.

"Act serious for once Lea!" Isa hissed, angry at Lea's laid back tone. Mr. Sayumi smiled sadly, his daughter would get along with these boys great. The thought of it making his task harder.

"Follow me, I'll take you to the manufacturing room." He started down the hallway, but paused for a moment. "There's something I want you two to remember." He stated, barely looking over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for what may come." He left without another word, leading the boys to what may be their untimely deaths.

It all happened so fast. Everything was fine not and hour before, who would of thought it would be the end?

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