11 ~ 24th

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(Long Chapter. Only putting what Marcel and Scotty are buying people for Christmas, the rest will be a suprise)

It was now the next morning, we were all a little hung over. Everyone except Scotty and I. I heard what Chrissy and Simone said last night, are they serious? Why would they do that? Oh my...

We didn't want to make breakfast so we ordered some, also we were all going Christmas shopping seeing as it was Christmas Eve. Im gonna go shopping with Craig, he seems like a nice guy. Do I like him? NO! We've only just met, ha-


Time skip


Marcels POV

We all had breakfast in McDonald's instead of ordering or making food. We were now in my black BMW, Simone's White Audi and Craig's Red Ferrari. Me, Scotty, Brock, Jon and Brian were in my car. Simone, Chrissy and Laina were in Simones car. Then the two lovebirds Sami and Craig were in his car. We were all on our way to the mall to buy each other gifts. And damn, was I excited!


Third Person

Here's what Scotty Bought:

A golden chain necklace with a golden sun charm. There is also a pearl in the middle -- For Sami

A new pair of Nike trainers and a Pandora Bracelet Charm -- For Laina

A ring and a pair of earrings, both rose gold with Ruby's -- For Simone

A new hoodie that she's wanted for a long time, it was blue with a green emerald in the middle. Also a sugar skull skeleton on the back -- For Chrissy.

A metal baseball bat that was signed 'fakely' by Harley Quinn -- For Jon

Two necklace chains that link together, saying 'soul mates' -- For Brock and Brian

And for Marcel -- A new Xbox One game, a new watch, a black hoodie and a mahogany beanie.


What Marcel Bought:

A little drawing notebook that was gold, y'all w and blue -- For Sami

A bottle case and some 15k earrings -- Four Laina

A bracelet and a charm in rose gold with Ruby's, like Scotty did -- For Simone

A new necklace that matches her favorite bracelet -- For Chrissy

A black anklet with a hockey mask on there -- For Jonathan

A rugby ball and rugby jersey signed by Ireland's Six nation team -- For Brian and Craig

A black hoodie, and a black bracelet with a golden  moose charm -- For Brock

And a Hoodie in space grey, a New IPhone 6S in silver and matching 'I love you' necklaces for himself -- And For Scotty


Sami was looking around in the clothes part, it was pretty dark in this shop. The lights were purposely dimmed to fit the personality of the shop. She was in a corner and was staring at this hoodie she REALLY liked. It was a black hoodie with a golden sun then saying #Positive on the back and right sleeve.

"Do you like it?" Craig asked from behind. Sami jumped and chuckled, Craig just Smirked.

"You scared the shit outta me... And yeah, Im buying it-" she said as she blushed, taking the hoodie off the rack. Craig giggled.

"Let me.." Craig offered, both smiling. He took the hoodie off her and their hands touched. They stared into each others eyes, slowly making their bodies get closer and closer.

"A-HEM!" They heard a deliberate cough and turned to face who and where it came from. They saw Brain stood there with his arms crossed and he was smirking, Brock giggling behind him. Craig and Sami were both flushing red.

"Come on lovebirds let's all go shopping together..." Brian insisted. They both shook their heads and tried to make sense of what just happened to the other males. Brian and Brock just laughed.

"You two like each other, you just don't know about it yet..." Brock said and winked, Sami and Craig joined them and they all walked around that shop side by side.

Soon they visited two more isles and Craig had a phone call. It was Tyler.

Craig had been telling Sami how hard it was for him to break up with Tyler, and she understood. She didn't want them too break up, or did she?

Sami gave Craig a reassuring looks, Brock just looked a little upset and Brian looked confused. Craig picked up the phone and put it on speaker.

"Craig- Where the fuck are you and Jonathan? Why the fuck didn't you come home last night!? What is you're problem? Do you actually like Scotty...?" Tyler seemed pissed, Craig just giggled causing the buff man on the other end of the phone to grunt.

"Let me answer that all in one go... Why do you care if we aren't a couple anymore?" Craig sounded smug and Tyler sounded broken. Brian's jaw dropped and Brock smiled, Samis face lit up.

"Wh-What?" Tyler sounded angry and upset.

"You're controlling, annoying, aggravating and I deserve better. So does anyone else who has to put up with you. Were done, Tyler. Good bye, bitch..." The hung up straight away and turned to Sami. She gave a tight hug and he returned one. Both smiling warmly.

"I knew you could do it Craig!" She gleamed at every word knowing she had a chance with the blue haired YouTube Nerd she fell in love with. Sure, they were both Only 18 and in high school. Sure, Sami was a part time receptionist and Craig worked in retail. But by the time they both turned 21, they would be happy together. They both knew, just not yet..

Brock and Brian looked at each other, then glanced over at the lovebirds and giggled.

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