15 ~ You're going down

442 12 8

????????s POV

##So you're going to help me destroy them, us that right?##

"Yes Simone, that's right." her stupid bitchy voice angered me.

##Whats our plan...? What's happening?##

"Look okay, we will discuss when you and Chrissy are present with me, okay? Otherwise, wait!"

##Okay! But wait- what do you want out of this?##

"Dumb bitch we've gone over this! I want Sami and Craig done for, they're not staying like this, Craig is mind!" I screamed. I threw my fist down on my table making my whisky shudder.

##Get your drunk ass to bed!## I heard Chrissy say and the phone hung up. Oh suniladd...

You're going down.


Sneak peak into next chapter! Still on hold.

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