17 ~ The Deal

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Simones POV

"$45,000? Do I look like a cheap service for you? We're about to commit murder!" I screeched in a whispered tone, he placed his finger on his lips telling me to be quiet. He rubbed the rim of his glass, whiskey and ice roaming the glass.

"Fine. How does $75,000 sound?" I just say there and stared at him. Seventy five thousand dollars?


"We'll take that, obviously." Chrissy answered, I smiled and nodded. He chuckled evilly, then darting his eyes towards us. I swallowed the dry lump in my throat as he lay backwards on his leather chair.

"I want Sami dead. Gone. I don't care if she's tortured, her body is burned or thrown in the sea- just get rid of her. And if you mess up, you can have that money after your jail time. You're risking this job for money. That's YOUR issue, NOT mine." He paused as he took a sip of his bitter whiskey, he then swirled it around in his glass as he crossed his legs.

"Understand?" He asked, we nodded vigorously.

"So we have a deal?" He added, I nodded. I leaned over the table as I smirked, we shook hands.

"Yes Tyler, we have a deal."

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