Chapter 14

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Chapter fourteen:|: Christmas Special.

It was currently Christmas morning, the whole kingdom had beautiful lights hanging up and trees were decorated with the many Christmas ornaments. Snow covered the ground and buildings, frost covered the windows. Levi was sleeping and Eren was awake, he was always up before Levi. He didn't mind though, he loved admiring the raven next to him.

"Mm... you're staring again..." Levi muttered tiredly without opening his eyes.

Blushing, Eren turned away, but it didn't last long. He returned his gaze back to Levi, who now had his eyes opened. "Merry Christmas and Happy birthday, love." Eren whispered happily and kissed Levi softly.

"Thank you... How'd you know today was also my birthday?"

"Just a hunch?" Eren laughed and shook his head. "I'm kidding. Hange told me."

Levi smiled and kissed him again. He usually never celebrated Christmas or his birthday so this was just another day for him.

"Let's go somewhere." Eren said and soft tone

"Where?" Levi asked in a confused tone.

"Anywhere. As long as we are together."

Levi rolled his eyes and sat up, stretching. "Stop with the sappy shit." He said playfully and glared at Eren.

Eren huffed and crosses his arms, mumbling words under his breath. A couple minutes went by and the two finally got out of bed. Eren had left to go change and Levi changed in his room. When Eren came back, he walked over to Levi and picked him up.

"Put me down!" The raven yelled and squirmed as Eren carried him out of the castle.

"I've planned something for us, love." Eren replied, not being bothered by his yelling and squirming. Levi huffed and relaxed in his arms. "Someone could've seen us you idiot." Levi mumbled.

"Oh hush. I knew what I was doing."


Eren finally put down Levi, causing him to grumble but immediately stopped when he looked at the view. "It's beautiful..." the raven whispered as he stared in awe.

His eyes flickered over the frozen pond, lights decorated the trees and white fluffy snow cover the ground. They were the only two there and he wished they were the only two people in the world. At the moment all of Levi's problems had vanished and he was living in complete bliss. He was with the one he loved and the one he called his mate.

When he turned back around, Eren was sitting on a thick blanket that he took from the castle. Levi couldn't stop the smile that was forming on his lips, a color dusting his cheeks and nose from the cold air. "You didn't need to do all this..."

"But I wanted to... What kind of mate would I be if I didn't celebrate your birthday?" The brunette giggled and patted the spot next him. Levi quickly obeyed and sat next to him, leaning into him. It was now, Levi  had noticed the basket next to Eren. Inside of it was various food and a bottle of wine, along with a some sugary desserts.

Eren began to pull out the food and the wine. Pouring the rave a glass and handing it to his lover. "Thank you." Levi said happily and took a sip before putting the glass down and laying in Eren's lap.  "Feed me?" He asked with a smirk and opened his mouth. This causing the brunette to roll his eyes and start feeding the raven haired man food.

"Mmm... this is good." Levi said as he finished his food and glanced at Eren, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Without any hesitation or a second thought he pinned Eren to the ground and smiled down to him, making said male to yell in surprise.

"I love you..." Levi whispered and leaned down, kissing him passionately. Eren smiles into the kiss and kissed back just as passionately, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him close.

"I love you too..." Eren whispered in between kissing.

The two stayed like for almost an hour or so, laying in each other's arm and sharing loving kisses. It was nothing sexual and they didn't plan on taking it further then that. It was just them showing each other how much they loved one another. A couple minutes went by and Eren reluctantly pulled away from his lips.

"I got you a present." He said with a hushed voice, this causing Levi's eyes to widen and guilt fill them. "I didn't get you anything for Christmas!" He yelled and hid his face in his hands.

Eren chuckled and pulled his hands away from his face. "It's okay. Me having you is the best Christmas present." Levi smiled and Eren blushed lightly. He cleared his throat and reached into his back pocket pulling out a small black velvet box.

"Eren..." Levi whispered and stared at the box.

"I know. I know. Alphas usually do this, but I just wanted to show you how much I love you and how much I appreciate you. You are my everything Levi and I look to the last couple months I've known you and I would hate myself if I continued to ignored you. I'm so happy that you continued trying and I'm so happy that your desperate need to be with me never faltered. I need you and I don't know what I would do if I declined you. I love you so damn much, you are my world and I want to be the one you love and hold forever. I love you for you. I love everything about you. Your stoic, emotionless self, your snarky comments, those beautiful eyes of yours... god I could go on about much I love you... but I just want this to be a promise that me and you will get married and nothing will stop us. So, Levi Ackerman. Will you promise to marry me one day...?" Eren asked softly and opened the box, revealing a stormy blue band and an emerald one.

Levi stared at Eren shocked then he gazed at the rings. "Of course... I mean yes. Yes. Yes I'll promise to marry you." He said happily. Eren smiles widely and picked up the emerald band, slipping it onto his ring finger then Levi did the same with blue band.

Once the rings were on their fingers, Levi quickly cupped Eren's cheeks and kissed him lovingly and passionately. "God, I love you so much, Eren." He mumbled against Eren's lips.

Eren smiled and nodded. "I love you so much more..."

It was silent the two kissing and holding each other like they were before. Eren looked to Levi and rested his forehead on his lovers.

"Happy Birthday, Levi."

"Merry Christmas, Eren."

*Not edited*

I'm sorry this REALLY late wattpad deleted the whole chapter the day of Christmas. So I had to rewrite it but I didn't have motivation to do it. So here it it. I hope you guys like it :)


I Finally Caught You (OmegaVerse: Alpha Levi x Omega Eren) (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now