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a/n: hi...i' m kind of bad at english lol. i've written bts fics before but not really ones based on mvs. this is probably the only one i'll post on here because i never get reads :(( this story is pretty dark and i'm not sure where it's going...probably a wild ride xD


The room was dark and somewhat cold. Jungkook fidgeted in his seat, waiting for his friend to come back.

The neon lights shining in from the window almost blinded him, and so he avoided them.

Abruptly, Namjoon entered, sitting down in the chair across from him. There was a look on his face that was unreadable and chilling at the same time. He stared straight ahead, emotionless.

He stood and brought the glass across the table, his face was blank. The sound of his steps echoed through the whole room and the silence in the background started to close in. Jungkook took it, finishing it all in one go, and he set the glass down. "I'm sorry." said a voice in his ear. Namjoon took his hand off his shoulder and walked to his seat, faster this time.

His head grew cloudy, and the lights coming from the window became brighter. The room looked different then, turning from a dull grey to a forest of colours.

Nausea rose in his body, and he rushed out of the room, barely making it to the bathroom in time. Yoongi staggered in after him, helping him up and asking if he was alright.

He didn't respond; instead looking up and staring at the wall. Jungkook turned and shoved his friend away. He stumbled backwards, shocked, and began to realize what was going on.

He stood and hurried out of the room, almost falling over in the process. Namjoon rushed over to him, effectively keeping him from hitting the floor. He pressed his hand to his forehead. "God, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have listened to him."

"Who?" Yoongi leaned against the doorframe, giving the two of them an icy look, his eyes finally reflecting how he felt.


He was uncomfortable. Yoongi stood behind, almost breathing down his neck.

"I don't see why this is necessary."

"Shh..." The sound of the door opening suddenly reached them and Yoongi was quick to cover his friend's eyes. Jimin flinched. Curosity ate at his common sense., and he reached up tentatively, prying him away.

The boy standing there, he had his cautiious smile and small hands. He stood as if he was insignificant, staring right through them.

Jimin went completely siff. The apple he had been holding fell out of his hand and hit the floor.

All at once, the second him was flung backwards out of the door. It slammed shut, breaking the terrible silence.

"This is what you were protecting me from?" he breathed. Yoongi reached from behind, one arm around his shoulder, covering his eyes again with the right.

"Keep them closed. Don't do that again." he said dryly.


"You can't keep doing this."

Seokjin turned away from Taehyung. "I can't just let them die."

"It's what's supposd to happen. You should leave the timelines alone."

Outside, a police car went by, the siren echoing far into the distance. Seokjin checked his watch. "That'll be Jungkook." he said as an ambulance followed. "I missed it again."

Focusing all his energy, the ground shook and the walls melted, he brought himself to an hour before. This time. he thought. I'll save him this time. Suddenly his heart began to race. His breathing became shallow and the room grew hot.

The door opened, and Taehyung walked in with crossed arms. "It's rude to interrupt, you know."

"How did you..." He stopped short, noticing the black wings extending from his friend's back.


They all raised their drinks to a toast, and Namjoon took a sip.

"Bitter." he hummed. "But sweet."

"Sweeter than sweet.." Jimin fell out of his chair, the glass hitting the floor with a metallic sound.

"Chocolate..." Hoseok's head hit the table, his body going limp.

Seokjin stared straight ahead, watching his friends collapse in front of him. The air grew cold, and someone was watching him.

'血、汗、涙 (blood, sweat, and tears)Where stories live. Discover now