Christmas 1

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Tiny Christmas update for now. I don't currently have the time to finish up the rest of this. Hopefully I'l be able to end it tomorrow or the day after that. Also wanna say that this isn't part of the main story so...



[imagine the Christmas narrator you hear in every children's movie]

It was a cold winter day in Beacon Academy. The boys and girls of the school had most expected to return to their own separate homes for the holidays. But as faith would have it, that would not be the case. But right now, everyone was still in the happy holiday mood. Inside the RWBY dorm, the spirit of Christmas was especially strong. We take a closer look at the redheaded protagonist and her Christmas plans. She was currently the only person residing in the dorm-room.

Ruby: Oh! It's that amazing time of the year again. I need to prepare! I need to pack al my stuff, buy more presents, and make sure to have a fresh batch of Christmas cookies!

Ruby Rose, usually an already hyperactive huntress, turned even more energetic during the holidays. She enjoyed spending time with her loved ones and thus adored the Christmas spirit and everything it brings along with it. She grabbed her bags and put some clothes in it, preparing to head back towards her home located on the small island of Patch.

(y/n): Hey Rubes? You need some help packing?

Enter (y/n) Wolfe. The redhead's beloved boyfriend. Said boy also adored the Christmas festivities, but was far more calm about it. His love for the holiday came from his happy memories, as few as may be, but he cherished them every year.

Ruby: Erm, no thanks. Wait no! I need some help! Can you make a fresh batch of Christmas cookies?

(y/n): Sure, but why'd you need them now? Don't tell me it's for the trip, cause it really doesn't take that much time...

Ruby: Of course not! *mumbling* But now that you mention it... *loud* No wait! I wanted to at least have some fun with the team before we head back towards Patch. You know, make some good memories.

(y/n): *smiles* Sure, I'll make you your cookies. So, about one and half batch of cookies sound right? That way you'll have some for the trip anyways.

The small redhead rushed up to him and tackled him with a hug. The boy was a little shook but quickly undazed and hugged back.

(y/n): That a yes?
Ruby: Have I ever told you that I love you?!

(y/n): Now that you mention it? About once every five minutes~ Now, as much as I enjoy hugging you, Those cookies won't bake themselves. You just pack up, kay?

She nods and rushes all over the room, grabbing clothes, putting them in her bags and then unpacking them again because she grabbed the wrong clothes. Lady problems...... Meanwhile the young (h/c) haired boy walked over to the kitchen part of the dormitory and grabbed one of the many packs of cookie mixes out of the cupboards. He took a close look at the instruction before shrugging and throwing the whole pack into a bowl. Unfortunately for him, the powder contained inside flew upwards, covering most of his upper body in it. He stared down at himself with an unamused look. He sighed before dusting himself of a little. When he was content with the lessened amount of cookie ingredients on him, he looked back at the previously ripped package. He turned it around to find the instructions and carefully followed them.

When the cookies were almost ready to leave the oven, a loud crash could be heard throughout the entire building. Ruby came flying through the opened door and looked at the boy. His girlfriend was soon followed by some presents and clothes flying towards her. What they hadn't noticed yet was that outside, a steady bit of snow began falling from the heavens.

The two teens stared at each other before both laughing at each other. (y/n) was still covered with the white powder and Ruby had some ribbons from the presents wrapped around her arms and head. When they were done laughing, (y/n) grabbed the plate from the oven and placed it on a nearby table. Ruby's eyes started to sparkle at the sight of the majestic food, also known as chocolate chip cookies. She tried to sneakily grab one of them, but her wrist was grabbed by her boyfriend's hand. She looked up at him with her puppy eyes, but the boy kept his grip and shook his head no. The smaller redhead than cast her eyes downward in an attempt to get him to feel guilty. The boy sighed and moved her hand towards a cookie.

(y/n): Just one, for now at least~

Ruby: Yay!

She happily obliged and quickly gobbled up said cookie. She sat herself down on a nearby couch and (y/n) soon joined her.

(y/n): So... how did you end up flying in here?

Ruby: *sheepish smile* I may or may not have tried to cram everything into a single suitcase.

(y/n): And?
Ruby: And then I used Nora's hammer to slam it shut.

(y/n): *sigh* and?

Ruby: And I forgot that she had her hammer loaded at all times, so I basically blew up the suitcase's lock. It launched upwards against me, sending me flying and the clothes and presents within.

(y/n): *laughs* That's so like you...

A Rose's Wolfe  (RWBY Ruby X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now