Merry X-mas!

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The door to Tom's room slowly opens, the sound wrapping around his sleepy head and pulling it slowly up.

"Thomas!" A voice in the dark whispers aggressively.

"hm?" Tom snarfs sleepily, from being pulled from his drunken, napping, haze.

"Look up bastard." The voice shouts, patience slowly draining from their tone.

Tom looks up, prying his eyes through the darkness to catch wHoM lurks before him.

"what do you want tord?" Tom remarks angrily.

"betch STFU, Zanta Claus is back-"

"wHaT??????" Tom shouts, stumbling of his bedframe falling the the floor. Crushing a plate of "Santa's cookies" which he had already attempted eariler to burn them with his pepper spray.
In his haze, he stumbles into the hallway, knocks all of Edd christmas hoodie's to the floor and almost dies, but he's still ready to kick some ass! >;3

But as soon as he gets to the living room he freezes staring in horror at the sight before him............

christmas decorations, ornaments, cookies, tis the season banners (literally everwhere), and worst of all, A CHRISTMAS TREE!

Before Tom can bolt the fuck outta there, Tord steps out behind him and giggles.

"Welcome to your Christmas therapy!"

A/N: AHHH!!!! Merry Christmas everyone! And happy Hanukah!
I promise I have some really nice one shots coming out, some cute, some scary (spoopy to be exact), a New Year's oneshot (they'll both be drunk , duh) and some extra fluffy!
And remember, eat lots of cookies, stay up as late as you want, and do what ever the hell you feel like doing!
Anyway, thank you all so much for reading, I hope you get all the presents you wished for, and have a very, very happy holidays!


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