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holy shit. it's just hit me that it's almost Christmas. as im writing this there's little over an hour until midnight, which is kinda crazy. the weird thing is, it doesn't feel like Christmas at all for me - does it for you? maybe it's already Christmas for you. i hope all my friends have a good, happy christmas filled with laughter and presents and good food. I'll try and let go of me counting my calories for tomorrow, since it is christmas, key word being try.

just as i was typing something i saw a notification from Tyler oakley, who is honestly one of my icons and he tweeted this:

"if you deal with body image issues/eating disorders, holidays can be challenging; feasts are abundant. one step at a time, you'll be okay."

perfect timing for that tweet right. im so glad he tweeted about cos it kinda gives me hope that i can do it, ya know? that i can get through this without feeling guilty then purging and doing excessive exercise or filling up on water instead of food. i can do this.

22:58pm - 24/12/17

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