Chapter 16

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"O-oikawa-san." Emiko stumbled out as she looked up at the third year setter who had knocked her to the floor. She was rounding the corner to enter the gym again and go back to her team who were most likely packing up their stuff so they could leave in a few minutes.

"Kageyama-chan?" he asked, a shocked look on his face. He obviously didn't expect to see you again.

"Yeah, that's me." she said, averting her blue eyes from his chocolate brown ones that matched his hair perfectly. He smiled at the second year, though it didn't seem real. "Umm, Oikawa-san, i should go. The team is probably going to go back to the bus soon." She grabbed her crutches and slowly started to get up from the floor.

"Shit, sorry." He said as he helped you up, guilty that he just made an injured girl fall to the floor. They stood looking at each other for a few seconds before Emiko spoke again.

"Thank you, Oikawa-san. Bye." Hobbling down the corridor, Emiko's mind was racing. Even after all this time, it seemed that she still had a crush on the third year setter, but was it just a physical attraction? Over the time that she attended Kitagawa Daiichi with Oikawa, she noticed certain things that didn't seem to add up. The fake smiles that he would send, the way he would stay after school and practice for hours to no end, as well as the way he acted with her brother, Tobio. He acted as if he had something to prove when he was around the genius first year setter. All these things, as well as several more, pointed to the fact that his personality was shit, that he was trash.

Even if Emiko was attracted to Oikawa, most people were, whether they were male or female as he was beautiful physically. His hair and eyes, a perfect shade of chocolate brown, his body lean and muscly. However, she wasn't attracted to his personality. And either way, she had Ushijima, and maybe Nishinoya, to consider. The two were fun to be around, their personalities intoxicating, especially Nishinoya's, and both were easy on the eyes.

She was at the gym again soon, but the boys, Kiyoko and Takeda were already about to leave. Quickly, she followed them to the bus, walking with her crutches next to Tobio and Hinata. As the two first years talked, Emiko's mind continued to race. After a few seconds, she went to talk to Takeda, walking with him to the bus, not noticing that the boys stayed behind, walking slowly as they discussed the match, or just contemplated their performance quietly.

"Takeda-sensei. Sugawara-senpai and Daichi-senpai said that there were two other members of the club but they haven't been showing up lately, a wing spiker and a libero. Do you by any chance know who they are so i could talk to them about returning to the club? I'll be off my crutches Monday, so i can talk to them then." Emiko's blue eyes were wide with anticipation and hope. She wanted to hep the club as much as possible, after all, it was practice for her that way as well. And either way, the girls club wasn't going anywhere, the members skipped a lot. The only one that she had seen often was Michimiya, the third year captain. 

"Alright, Kageyama-chan. I'll give you their names and classes once we get back." Takeda agreed, not minding the extra help with the volleyball club. They got onto the bus, waiting for the team for a few minutes.

The journey back to Karasuno was quiet, no one spoke, but Emiko sensed that something happened when she wasn't with them. It was sort of like a mothers instinct, and she was pretty certain that she wasn't the only one on the bus that had that. But that wasn't the problem, the problem was that Tobio looked troubled.

Suddenly her phone went off, it was a text from Michimiya Yui, informing her that the weekend practice that the third year captain wanted to hold was cancelled as not enough people wanted to 'waste' their weekend playing volleyball. Though to Emiko it wasn't a waste. She needed to play. The last week or so was hell for her, she wasn't able to play, and volleyball was like oxygen for her, she was pretty sure her brother related to her with that.

When they reached Karasuno high school, Takeda lead Emiko to the faculty room, going to look up the information that Emiko needed. She was grateful that Takeda was the volleyball club's adviser, even if he didn't know much about the sport. His heart was in the right place, and that was all that mattered.

"Kageyama-chan, here you go." The teacher handed the second year two pieces of paper. The names of the students part of the volleyball club were on there, as well as their class and a picture of them. The first piece of paper showed a third year. Azumane Asahi. He looked a bit scary, but if he hand around Daichi and Sugawara during the club then he'd probably end up being a huge dork. She looked at the second piece of paper.

"Nishinoya Yu?" She mumbled. Her eyes must have been deceiving her, that couldn't be right. Could the Nishinoya she knows, be the same one as this one? After all they were the same age and had the same name. Only looking at the picture could assure her if he was. Her eyes trailed down the page slowly. The boys hair was spiked up, a small tuft of it seemed to be dyed a dirty blonde colour and it fell onto his forehead. The wide smile on his face. His beautiful brown eyes. 

It was definitely Nishinoya.

A/N Here's a cliffhanger, i think... Either way, what will Emiko do now? 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, i enjoy writing this story a lot so i hope you like reading it. Next chapter Nishinoya will make an appearance again. Yay!

Remember to vote and comment, it helps me know if you guys like the plot.

Kageyama's sister (Nishinoya Yuu - Haikyuu!!) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now