Chapter 1:

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 Love sucks. There's no way else to explain it. At least that's what I used to think. Now I feel that love is a wonderful but also confusing thing. Although it can still suck from time to time. But you think love sucks for you, imagen what it would be like if you're homosexual. It's a lot harder isn't it? My name is Kyle James, I'm 17 years old, I have been told my green eyes are like "shining emeralds", my hair is a deep pitch black and cut in the "scene" look, and I'm gay. This is my story.


 I'm waking up to blinding whit fluff all over the neighborhood. I groan due to the fact it was only 6:30 am. I start debating if I should get ready for school or to just skip toady. But something kept screaming "something good is going to happen today!" So following this feeling I slowly drag myself out of bed to get dressed. I pull out a "Three Days Grace" t-shirt and start tugging it over my head, while I struggle trying to pull up my skinny jeans. While in this fight to get my clothes on, I hop my way over to the door, only to end up tripping over my backpack. I start to tumble but I catch myself and trimphly button my pants.

 I make my way down the hall still in a proud mood, and made a quick left into the bathroom. I quickly but gently brush my hair out and I dash out down the stairs. I know what you're thinking "When will it get to the good part?" Well I'll just skip ahead to when I get to school.


 I pull up in my usual parking space. I cut the engine and sat there taking a deep breath. I sit there preparing for what harrassment to come at me today. You see I'm the only "out of the closet" gay guy at school. I had many friends but as soon as they found out I'm gay, they either stopped being friends with me or they told other people. Ever since I've had only myself to be my friend. After sitting in my chevy truck for what seemed like forever, I grabbed my backpack and hopped out into the crunchy snow. I only managed to walk 5 feet to suddenly find myself eating the stinging cold snow. I start to hear the laughter of a familier voice. Steve Woodson. He was my friend since 1st grade and stopped in grade 9. I slowly start pulling myself up off the chilly ground. Bad move. As I make my attempt to get up I only found myself eating another mouthful of snow.

 This was a daily thing, sometimes I would be able to at least get out of the parking lot. So as usual I tried to stay down, listening for the laughter to fade away. What I didn't realize that today was different.

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