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Keith's POV

"So it's settled. I'll see you tonight at the ball." I smiled, at Ryan who smiled right back at me.

"Yep. Can't wait, until then." He winked.

"Until then." I chuckled.

I turned and walked into the diner. What was I doing? Leading him on... Only to- No. I'm not going back to Lance. Ugh. Why must my brain argue with itself?

"So. How was your date with Ryan?" Pidge asked. I turned and saw her sitting at a table near one of the large windows.

"Great." I replied, continuing to walk towards the kitchen.

"Why must you be so stubborn?" She sighed.

I only shrugged and went upstairs, to flop onto my bed.


Lance's POV

"We have so much in common." I chuckled.

"I know! The way my sister described you, I took you as more of a jerk. You're really sweet actually." Alison smiled.

We were talking by the snack table, we had been dancing for hours. I still continued to scan the room for any sign of Keith.

"So. Keith?" She questioned.

"You know Keith?"

"Yeah... I also heard you were dating him?"

"Uh. No, not anymore actually-"

"Why not? You two would make an adorable couple."

"We should dance." I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the middle of the dance floor.

I scanned the room again, and what I saw, made my heart ache. I could feel my heart breaking.

Keith and Ryan were standing by the wall, kissing. He actually is happy.

"Oh Lance..." I looked down at Alison who was looking the same way I was. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be... I should have known..." I sighed.

"Lance-" I cut her off, by kissing her.

I don't even know why I did it. To give myself validation? To make Keith angry? I have no clue.

We pulled away from each other slowly.

"Lance... I'm sorry, I just don't like you in that way... When Allura told me about you, I figured we could become friends so I could tell you to stay the fuck away from her."

She pulled away from me, "Plus. It's not me you want, it's him." She pointed towards the wall where Keith had been standing. "Go get him, lover boy." She smiled.

"Thank you." I returned the smile and walked over towards Ryan, who was talking to Allura.

"Hey. Do you know where Keith is?" I asked.

"He went outside." He simply stated, grabbing Allura by the arm and dragging her off towards the dance floor.

I sighed, and walked outside to the gardens. He was sitting on the bench we always sat at.

Marriage Fit For A King {Klance AU}Where stories live. Discover now