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Lance's POV

After looking for my dad for about ten minutes, I gave up. I figured, I'd just go back out to see Keith. As I walked through the crowd I walked into Allura, who had an odd smile on her face.

I shook it off and didn't say a word to her as I tried to get by. She grabbed my arm.

"How about a dance, Lance?" She forced a smile, pulling me close to her.

"Oh, piss up a rope, Allura. He's taken." Alison spoke as she walked over to the two of us.

"Shut up Alison. He'd never date a girl like you." Allura spat, gripping my arm.

"A girl like me? What is that supposed to mean?" Alison retorted.

"Look at yourself Ali. Seriously." Allura chuckled.

"It's a good thing Lance is gay then. So then, he wouldn't date 'a girl like me' anyway." Alison smirked.

"You can't be serious... She's not serious, is she Lance?" Allura croaked.

"Allura. You literally caught him and his boyfriend making out before, what the actual fuck with wrong with you?" Alison laughed.

Allura dropped my arm, and I slowly backed away from her.

"Oh shut up Alison!" Allura yelled.

"Real mature, Allura. Can't come up with anything better?" Alison replied.

Soon enough I was out of the crowd and walking towards the garden doors. I saw Ryan, leaning against the door frame, and rolled my eyes.

He came over to me. "So Lance-" he put his arm around my shoulder and turned me around, making me walk with him, away from the garden doors. "What do you think of Alison?"

"She's too good for you, way out of your league... Why don't you go after Allura instead?" I forced a smile, and shoved his hand off my shoulders.

Spinning around on my heel as I began walking towards the garden doors. I pushed on the door, but it wouldn't budge.

I shoved with all I could, but no matter how hard I pushed it wouldn't move. Worry, began to set in. I turned around and scanned the room for Keith.

My breathing got heavier. Looking from wall to wall, hoping and praying to God he was in here.

I looked around again and when I didn't see him, I felt my stomach drop. I caught Ryan's eyes and he smirked as he started walking off. 

That's when I realised the possibility, that my father could be outside with Keith.

I remembered the only other way into the back garden was to walk around the castle. I felt sick to my stomach. I started running, I ran towards the front doors and shoved it open, running out into the snow.

Going through the large field of snow was the only way to the back. I ran as fast as I could towards the back of the castle. Tripping and falling only a dozen times, it was hard enough running in the snow, but in dress shoes?

I ran towards the hedge maze. The only way into the opening with the pond was through the maze. I ran inside, getting closer to the opening, I slowed down hearing voices.

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