Snake & Lion

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Mar’i sighed, tired, and wiped the back of her wrist over her forehead, then rested it on her hip. “You know,” she said, careful to keep her tone neutral, “some people can’t conjure a Patronus. We’ve been at this for hours.”

His green and silver tie was loose around his neck, his sleeves pushed messily to his elbows and his shirt coming untucked at the bottom. “I’ll do it,” Damian said through gritted teeth, well past annoyed at himself. “I can.”

The Gryffindor fellow seventh year shrugged and sat on one of the empty desks, the moonlight reflected in her glossy black hair. “Whatever, Wayne. At a Galleon an hour, take as long as you’d like.”

He narrowed his eyes at her, annoyed. Mar’i had been among the first of the small group of students to achieve a Patronus Charm in class earlier that day, and Damian had been among a handful of students who hadn’t even gotten a puff of silvery-white smoke out of the tip of his wand. He hadn’t wanted to ask for help, but Mar’i was the only person he knew wouldn’t blab about the arrangement if he asked her not to, and being unsuccessful was simply not an option.

She’d been kind—too kind, really, and she only got kinder as his frustration deepened and his temper worsened. It made him angry.

He approached her angrily and put a hand on the desk where she sat, narrowing his eyes, channeling all his frustration into making her stop being so bloody kind to him.

“And at a Galleon an hour,” he hissed, and he could see strands of her hair move as his breath disturbed it, “I’d better get some results soon.”

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