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This is a second part for the 4th chapter i wrote aka super far. This is an epilogue for it and I recommend for yall to read the 4th chapter first. This chapter revolves more around Jihoon's point of view since last time it was Soonyoung's. This chap was also inspired again by lany's 13! I insist for yall to listen to it hihi.


Where did we go wrong? I know we started out alright.

It was a cozy Friday afternoon. Soonyoung and Jihoon were just beside each other, content with the warmth and comfort each other gave out. With the sun setting on the horizon making the living room slowly illuminate darkness, with the television playing out a random variety show. But none of the two cared, they were just satisfied with them cuddled up against each other.

"Hey Youngie." Jihoon called up all of a sudden, breaking the silence.

Soonyoung hummed in response. "Let's go out and take a stroll or something." Jihoon said persuasively.

Soonyoung groaned. "But Hoonie, I'm already content with this. Give me one good reason as to why we should go out." Soonyoung said with a small pout.

"Because I just want to hang out with my boyfriend. Is that so bad?" Jihoon humped in response, with a little 'hmph'

"And if we go out, I'll give you a little peck." The younger added whilst being flustered.

Soonyoung pretended to think awhile but before he could blurt out his answer. "Fine then, I'll just ask Seungcheol to go with me or someone else." Jihoon said.

Soonyoung flinched when he heard Jihoon state Seungcheol's name. He never really liked how that name rolled off Jihoon's tongue so nonchalantly. He was never really fond of the closeness and proximity Jihoon and Seungcheol had whenever they were together.

Soonyoung stood up and dusted off his clothings before offering his hand to the smaller. "Of course I'll go with you, rather than making you go with that Seungcheol guy." Soonyoung said pouting a bit.

Jihoon smirked a bit. "Seungcheol is just my co-worker, stop overreacting." The smaller said whilst taking the offered hand to him.

They both wore something casual before heading out hand in hand. They decided to just head to a café near them and enjoy a cup of coffee top with a dessert of their choice.

Jihoon got a booth that was for 2 persons and sat on one of it. Soonyoung waited in line for the both of them and once he got the orders they both wanted, he proceeded to where Jihoon was seated.

They enjoyed that evening, with the both of them talking about how their week was and all. Small pecks were shared, a little bit of groans and complaints from the smaller, hand holdings were initiated, smiles appeared, and another blissful memory was created.

Where did we go wrong? I swear I knew we'd last this time

That is why, when Jihoon got home from that night. The night that he thought he lost his world, his ray of happiness. He got into his knees, shaking and tears starting to fall already. He lightly punched the floor beneath him, contemplating on what did he do wrong.

"Soonyoung-ah, this is not funny. Where are you? Did you really leave me?" Jihoon said frustratedly.

"I thought we were doing okay, I could've sworn my relationship with you would last. You said you love me and that you'll never leave me." Jihoon said, more tears streaming down his face.

A few more minutes before he calmed down and collected himself. He stood up and observed the note more carefully. But then, something caught his eye, it was another letter, it was in a white envelop and there was a letter in it and a photo of them smiling together. This only made Jihoon tear up even more.

Dear Hoonie,

I know this might be sudden and heartbreaking for you, i know, because I'm also going through it as well. I'm sorry it had to be this way but from my point of view, this relationship isn't doing any good to us. Please don't contact me ever again, it'll hurt even more for the both us. I will forever love you and please take care of yourself. Find someone else who can make you happy, like Seungcheol or something.

Forever yours,

By now, more tears streamed Jihoon's face, with his fist slowly crumpling the paper. Although it was short, it was already enough to have such a big impact on him. He put his face in his hands. "Did he know that he was my main source of happiness? My only reason to keep on going and doing my best?" He thought.

That same night, he wasn't able to sleep at all.

Where did we go wrong? Oh did you, did you change your mind.

Jihoon woke up, expecting another presence near him that was usually still sleeping by this time, but then the sad reality, there was none. He sighed then rolled over his back.

He wonder what he did wrong. was it his attitude? Was it his job? Was it he himself? Thoughts like that wandered around his head.

He held his hair in a tight fist and groaned loudly. His eyes were still red and puffy from all the crying the night before, his head was pounding as well.

He could've sworn him and Soonyoung would last, he reminisced about their relationship, he remembered all the smiles, memories, nights and day they spent with each other. He wondered what went wrong. He thought
How could you change your mind? Who got inside your mind?

Sorry if this is short !! To sum it up, Soonyoung and Jihoon broke up, sorry for this angst huehue, pls do comment what you want to read next, oh and btw if you need anyone to talk to I'm here, you are not alone <3 and happy holidays yall! :))

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