/Coffee Shops + You?/

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Sorry if its late!! School is such a bich. Anyways enjoy!!


"How many times do I have to say this, no." Jihoon flatly said with a thin line on his lips.

"But-" Soonyoung tried to reason himself.

"For the last time, I don't have any plans in going out on a date with you!" Jihoon finally snapped, his voice getting louder.

Soonyoung got startled a bit, and stepped back a little from the counter. He looked at the man whom he was trying to woo ever since a month ago, after he discovered the coffee place.

He had taken a liking to the small guy that was usually working behind the counter, and started pestering him in to going out on a date with him. But this was the first time Jihoon had snapped at him, he would just usually roll his eyes at the question and continued on to get his order.

Soonyoung bowed his a bit, his hairs covering his eyes. Jihoon felt a pang of guilt hit him. "I'm sorry for always bothering and pestering you Jihoon-ah. Just please do get my usual and I'll just leave you alone today."

Jihoon could just nod his head and unconsciously punch the order. He was overwhelmed and felt way too guilty at the moment.

"Your order will be ready in a moment, just go settle yourself first  in a chair over there." Jihoon recommend, his head hanging lowly while handing the receipt to him.

Soonyoung could just nod his head quietly as he headed towards a two-person booth.

Jihoon sighed loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose as his co-worker, Vernon could be heard preparing Soonyoung's drink.

Jeonghan, his other co-worker witnessed the whole scene of Jihoon's outburst and could only sigh lightheartedly while shaking his head

"Ya Jihoon-ah." The older said as he went towards the said person. "Can you stop being such a grinch during this time around, it's not Christmas." Jihoon could only groan from that comment.

"Well I'm sorry that I was born like this, what can I do about it." Jihoon said defensively. Jeonghan pretended to think for awhile, "Maybe, you can agree to one of his offer to take you out on a date." The older said suggestively.

Jihoon sighed loudly at the statement. "I don't know hyung, I barely know him and yet I'm gonna go out with him?"

"Is there a problem with that? That seems fine with me." Jeonghan smugly smiled. "It'll be your break soon, let me cover for you a little longer so that you'll at least get to know him better." Jeonghan saif with his eyebrows wiggling together.

Jihoon sighed in defense, he knew how persistent Jeonghan could be and just decided to fuck it all and just go up to Soonyoung.

"Thanks, I guess for letting me do this hyung." Jihoon unsurely said as he fixed his overalls.

"No problem Jihoonie." Jeonghan smiled at him. "Don't forget his drink and add some other desserts for the both of you to share on. But the most important thing is, don't forget to get his number!" Jeonghan said persuasively before pushing Jihoon ahead, almost making him drop the tray, but thankfully it didn't.

Soonyoung was in a booth that was far from the counter where Jihoon was. The latter carefully and quietly made his way to where Soonyoung was seated, he reached the booth in just awhile. He carefully set the tray down and sat down on the opposite chair across Soonyoung which made both of them face each other.

Soonyoung looked up first with an expression which depicted sadness but then it slowly became an expression of shockness, with his mouth gaping a bit and his eyes slowly widening. After a few seconds, he got over from his shock and regained his composure quickly.

"What are you doing here? I thought it was still your duty?" Soonyoung quietly muttered. "I'm on my break and one of my co-worker offered to make my break a little longer." The smaller shrugged.

A small 'oh' could be heard from the older and got his drink from the tray. It was all quiet and awkward before the younger decided to speak up.

"Look Soonyoung, I'm sorry for snapping you awhile ago. Quite loud and rude for that matter." Jihoon said with his head bowing slightly.

Soonyoung properly looked up at him and saw the sincereness in his expression. "It's okay Jihoon, I'm also sorry for always bothering and pestering you. It's just that I'm so attracted to you, and you're just so beautiful, adorable, interesting, talented, and every other nice adjectives out there." Soonyoung sheepishly said.

His statement made Jihoon blushed. "But what made you so interested in me? I'm just some university student who's trying to balance his studies and work together." The younger questioned.

"That's exactly one of the reasons that made me fall for you Jihoon-ah, you're so hardworking and talented." Soonyoung replied back.

"And besides, I wasn't really planning to ask you out awhile ago. I just wanted to know if you were free to go to one of my dance showcase, of course you can bring your other friends with you!"

"A-and I thought that I was rushing you way too much, and think that we should be friends before anything else." Soonyoung said stuttering a bit.

Jihoon got embarrassed by his statement, Soonyoung just wanted to invite him to his dance showcase and even offered to be his friend first. Yet he snapped at him and yet still, Soonyoung apologizd. "You're very sweet, y'know that?" Jihoon said smiling a bit.

It was now Soonyoung's turn to be flushed red. "And sure I'll go to your showcase. Just tell me when and where." 

"So does that mean we can exchange numbers?" Soonyoung asked with his eyes evidently sparking up and corners of his mouth getting higher. Jihoon chuckled at this and said a small 'sure'.

Soon after, the dessert that was for the both of them was soon devoured, with them getting to know each other better and laughters being erupted in between those bites.

Time just had to be a bitch and required Jihoon to go back to his work. But before they could bid each other goodbye, Jihoon stood up and pecked the older's cheek. The look of surprise was evident in Soonyoung's face as his hand flew up to his cheek. But before he could say or do anything about it. The younger was far out of his reach and was hurrying to get back to his job.

Soonyoung could only look down, his face flushed before finally proceeding to head out the café with his mind still in a daze.


"I can't believe you used to reject me almost everytime I went here." Soonyoung said as he caressed Jihoon's hand while proceeding to enter the café that started it all.

"Shut up Soon" Jihoon flusteredly said, trying to swat off Soonyoung's hand in his. But of course, still held onto it.

"We have so much memories in this café, I met you here, we had fun memories in here, you said your yes to be my boyfriend in here. Many important things happened in this café. It really holds a meaning to me." Soonyoung said reminiscing.

"Ya, Kwon Soonyoung, this place also holds a special meaning in my heart." Jihoon smiling contentedly. "But the best thing about this place is that I got to meet you." Jihoon said while wrapping his arms around Soonyoung's neck.

Soonyoung responded back by wrapping his arms around Jihoon's waist, leaning down to kiss the smaller's lips. The both pulled awhile after. "Let's continue this when we get home." Soonyoung said suggestively.

"I agree, but let me eat first, I'm starving." Jihoon said while pulling Soonyoung who was chuckling, completely in, so that they could both order.

Lmao sorry if its short!! Hope you liked it ! Comments and votes are appreciated <3

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