"Friend or Foe?"

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I was back on that dark feeling, but something came up into my mind, maybe a image or something..I couldn't tell anyhow. It's was bright but it seem to get further away from me, I felt myself wanting to run after it, feeling of not wanting to be left alone in a dark cold place. It seem even further, I couldn't even catch up, tears threaten into my eyes once again, I won't be able to see that light. The atmosphere change around with sadness and guilt, I don't know why but it just happen. Maybe I missing something important in me, I don't know what but what could it be? A little flashback came to me, a little child maybe around 7 years old was jumping around in excitement around a black hair women. I'm assuming she the mother of the child, the child had brown messy hair, his features seem bruise and beat up, probably playing outside too much. The mother giggle and brought up a soft warm smile upon her face, seeing her own child playing around outside. It's seem touching to see a mother and a child somewhat bonding with there gaze, but I don't know who these people are, even if it's a flashback it still didn't get through to my head. I'm back to the darkness I was in, looking at my hand intensely "who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose?" I muttered those words to myself, seeing a flash of blood appear rapidly and went back to normal. I gasp and how it showed me, I hear voices around me all of a sudden but I couldn't hear what it's saying "ϒϴῠr α ϻϴͷϩϯϵr, ϒϴῠ ͷϵϵδ ϯϴ kῖll...." I can hear it clearly, it's a voice of a women or something like that, the voice sounds old and raspy. I look around my surroundings, checking if anyone was here, but of course no one was there just blackness. I sigh in relief, looking back at the direction I was usually was, but I came upon a women in a long black coat. I couldn't see her face nor her hair. Taking a few steps back, the women slowly look upon me, now able to see her features...but there weren't any, just a plain old blank face, but the hair seem gray which is the only thing that show out. A brief moment, the women grab my neck harshly, choking in the process, I put both my hands around her arm that was choking me and try forcing her to stop. She continues and choke even hard, I was now going to die, I'm scared and I don't know what to do or who she is. Her blank face came up closer to mines, now opening here eyes and another eyes it the forehead, drool spills on the corner of my mouth. The women suddenly had a creepy smile, almost reaching to her cheekbones, yet there no nose. I don't want to die here and now, she too strong to break free! Trying and trying but it's no use, I started to give up slowly which make her tighten her hand around my neck harder, clogging my throat. She came close to my ear and said "Y o u a r e a m o n s t e r a n d y o u d o n t d e s e r v e t o b e i n t h i s w o r l d......Y o u w e r e m e a n t t o k i l l........". My eyes widen on what she said, I don't even know what she meant but I do know that isn't very good sign, finally she reach out for her free arm and pull back. Pulling around her razor sharp nails and with a swift moment, it pierced through my flesh and into my heart. My heartbeat slow down quickly as blood tickle down to my mouth, now screaming in agony on how much it hurts and then!.....

I was now screaming in a room, my eyes shot open and I suddenly get slap on the left side. "Snap out it ya lunatic!" A female voice appear, touching my left cheek "ow what was that for!!??" I look up to see a young lady in front of me, she had dirty blonde hair, eyes are as blue as the sky, her skin look slightly pale. I stood up from what seems to be a mattress, backing up from the female and trying finding my gun...but nothing was on me. I look at her again, seeing her full frame, she was wearing a light gray sleeve shirt with a brown belt around her waist, she had a burgundy red torn scarf, she had dark gray gloves and leggings, wearing a old worn off brown boots. Her hair was slightly wavy a bit but not to much, I shook in fear though, not knowing if she could kill me any minute "Stop shaking ya pussy! It's not like I'm gonna hurt you or anything!" She said in a irritated tone at me, of course I didn't trust her right away. "Who are you!? And how do I know your not gonna hurt me!?" I said, hinting off fear in my tone. She sigh, putting her right hand on her temple "Look here buddy, I want to help thats all, I even fix up your wounds on your body!" She said, pointing the wounds. Looking at myself all bandage up, touching all the wounds and even my right eye, yet I still don't know what happen to it. "If you did all this then... I guess I should thank you and apologize my rudeness" I said, putting up a blank expression on my face. "Well at least you thank me, but how did you end up in the desert anyways? I found you all bloody and beaten up?" She ask, leaning towards the cement wall. I was about to speak but I couldn't, thinking back on where I was before, shaking in fear "I...I..." I don't wanna rephrase on what happen. Biting my lower lip in a harsh way, sweat rolled down my face "hey don't sweat it, if it's hard to for you to tell me that's okay. Just tell me once you feel comfortable" she said. She was a nice person, but I didn't catch her name "hey um...whats your name?" I said. She look at me with those blue eyes of her's "Oh well..You can call me Kat!" She said in a joyful tone, putting up a bright smile. I haven't seen a smile like that for quite some time, but it felt heartwarming to see that smile. "So what's your name?" Kat ask, I paused, I can't remember, I don't remember my own name!? I panicked and look at her "I-I don't remember my n-name.." I said, stuttering my words. Kat gave me a worried look and thought of something "Hmm maybe we can give you a name!" I look at her timidly "A name, like a new name?" I ask. Kat chuckle and nodded "Of course! Now let's see.." we thought for a while "how about Tyler!" "No.." "um Ryan!" "No.." "Caleb?" "No.." Kat finally give up on the names "well I don't know any names, guess you have to think that yourself" she put her hands on her hips. "Well..." I thought for a second, bring my hands to my face, I look pale as ever, I look pretty much dead.... "I got it.." I said, looking up at Kat. Kat look at me with a delighted smile "Yea what is it!?" "I decided to call myself Ghost.." I put the smallest smile on my face, trying to brighten the mood. Kat put a blank face on that word 'Ghost' and suddenly burst out "Ghost sounds pretty creepy to me!! But...it's suits you so alrighty then!" She put a thumbs up. I nodded with her agreement, this feeling is really nice in such a long terrified time. I look around my surroundings that I don't seem to notice. Its looks like we're in a empty sewer pipe, guess Kat got a good reason to stay in a place, well at least there were good supplies around, there were even weapons across the left side, on my right side there were long orange curtains and supposedly it's the exit. Looking back at Kat, she was working on some food, it appear to be cooked fish in a open fire. My stomach was growling loudly, which made me feel embarrassed. "Hungry huh? Don't worry I cook up some fish for us" Kat said, she was so kind to help out a stranger like me, she would've kill me while she had the chance. I look down, still wearing that dirty hospital gown. "If ya wanna change your clothes, their a pair of clothes next to the mattress you we're laying down at" she said, how did she know I wanted to change this filthy gown I had on. I nodded and thank her, bending down to mattress and grabbing the pair of clothes that she got me. There was a brown long sleeve sweater/jacket that's seem to be above the waist, a grayish greenish shirt, there were some dark gray jeans that's was ripped in the knee area, and a belt with a skull. Kinda creepy if ya ask me.. but there were also some high top black vans and some socks. Since I don't have any to begin with. Taking off the dirty hospital gown, looking down at my area, luckily there were some boxers. My body seem fit 'Did I exercise before?' I thought, but I probably didn't or maybe I don't know. Putting the clothing on me and putting the socks and shoes on my feet, it felt weird but cozy at the same time. "Hey if ya wanna check yourself out, their a shattered mirror over next to the weapon area and don't complain that it's all broken!" Kat exclaimed, I nodded and went to area she told me. I look to the side to see the mirror, scaring myself from my own reflection. I see myself with the clothing on, my hair was on my shoulders and bandages wrapped around my right eye. I touch it without hesitation as I bring myself to feel my eye ball still attach luckily. But why couldn't I see in the beginning? This makes me wonder a lot. Maybe a scar that's damaged my eye and that's probably why I bleed in this eyes so much. Or maybe it could be those scientists doing something to me. I shook my head on that awful thought, looking to the side to see Kat finish cooking. Kat look at me and gave me a goofy grin "Hurry up the food getting cold" I nodded. Walking towards her and sitting down next to her, she gave me a cooked fish, I stare at it blankly as she devour her's. Kat stop for a minute and look at me "hey what's wrong?" "...why are you helping me out? Im stranger that your pick out from a desert, you could've left me dead right there" I said, it was the truth on the things I said. She looked a me "Well...you kinda remind me of someone in the past that I regret, I felt bad for leaving someone who helpless. Even if it's dangerous to bring a totally random stranger to bring in my own hideout" her voice seem to build up sadness. I slightly felt bad but keep on listening "it's hard for me to see the past, things that's I didn't do to help my friends that's are long gone...I don't ever wanna go back to that tragic thing! It was so horrible!!" She screamed, bursting out tears. I was shocked that she suddenly went very emotional, I felt like I was good at these situations so I decided to comfort her by patting her shoulder "Hey..I know things can be difficult in the past but now things moved on, and I thank you for rescuing me, maybe someday you'll find something you lost important, at least your not like me who forgot everything and doesn't even know a clue what is what" I said, those things were all true. Deep in my heart I know it was true. Kat slowly looked up to me and gave me a sad smile, she gave me a hug and sob down to my shoulder, I couldn't help it but to hug back. She whisper to my ear a thank you, I nodded as she pulled away and wipe her tears away. I wish I could give her a warm smile but I feel like I couldn't, giving her a blank expression like always. "Now eat your fish!" She said "Oh um.. yea sure thing!" I took small bites on the fish, it's tastes fantastic since I haven't eaten for how long.

Time pass by, it was dark outside already and Kat was cleaning the hideout as for me I sat near the exit doing nothing. "Hey Ghost aren't you looking for anything?" Kat gave that question out of nowhere. I slightly jump and that sudden moment but thought to myself "well...I want to find answer on what happen in my past, maybe find someone who knows or relate to that type of answer" I answered. She nodded "Well if you wanna search for something like that I'll help you!". I look at her with hope inside me "You really do that for me?" I ask her "Of course! Trust me I'll help you out! That's what friends are for!" She giggled, giving me a smile. I stood there like a statue, saying I'm her 'friend' "Y-You really mean I'm your friend?" I ask. Kat nodded and gave me a thumb up. I never had a friend before, probably my unknownable past didn't have friends either. I felt myself smiling a bit "T-thank you" I said quietly. "No problem! We will start at morning and take off to find whatever your looking for!". Kat finally head off to bed, letting the fire burn with warmth. My mind couldn't stop think of the word 'friend' I look back to see her sleeping frame. I smile lightly. She was something else.. looking to the side where the curtain is, I felt my felt drift off to sleep. See the day go right pass me. Kat was something that I didn't have before, I'll do anything to protect her..anything.

Yet a creepy feeling crawled against me.. like someone is watching every move I do.

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