Chapter 7 : Home Sweet Home

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Justin's POV:
Caitlin has now been out of the hospital for a week now and I'm so glad she remembers everything now

She came downstairs and kissed me
"Well good morning to you too" I smiled
She laughed "Morning"
I made breakfast and as we sat eating Noah ran downstairs "Daddy, Darcy bit me" He whined
"Darcy!" I yelled and she came downstairs
"Why'd you bite Noah?" Caitlin asked her
"He wouldn't give me my toy back" She replied
"You still shouldn't bite him ok? Say sorry"
"I sorry Noah" She said
Noah smiled "Its ok"
"You need to get ready for school Noah" I said
"Ok daddy" He said
I took him to the bathroom and ran him a bath
He got in and got washed before I helped him get out and I dried him off
He got dressed in this (white long sleeved tee that says ' I put the me in romeo, jeans and shoes with wings at the side) ready for school

(noahs outfit: 

I took him back into the kitchen and Caitlin was getting Darcy some breakfast
Noah got onto his chair and she got him some breakfast

After he'd eaten I took Noah to school

Caitlin's POV:
Justin left to take Noah to school and Darcy looked at me
"Why I no go to school?" She said
"You're not old enough yet sweetie" I told her

I then got her bathed and dressed in this (purple t-shirt with hearts on it, pink leggings and cheetah print slipper shoes (

Justin soon got back and Darcy ran up to him
"Daddy!" She yelled
"Hey princess" He smiled picking her up
"What do you wanna do today?" I asked Darcy
"Watch a movie" She smiled
"Ok go pick one" Justin said putting her down
She then ran upstairs and soon came running back downstairs with a DVD
I put it on and we all sat cuddled on the couch

After a few movies it was lunch time so I made lunch for us all
As I was cooking Justin came in and put his arms around my baby bump
I giggled slightly and Justin kissed my cheek
"Daddy" Darcy whined coming into the kitchen
Justin removed his arms from my waist and looked at Darce "What's wrong princess?" He asked her
"I spilled my juice" She whined holding her juice cup in one hand
Justin took her cup from her put it on the kitchen counter 
"Lets get you cleaned up" He said taking her into the bathroom

Justin's POV:
I took Darcy into the bathroom to get her cleaned up because she had juice all over her t-shirt
I quickly ran upstairs and got her a clean t-shirt (pink t-shirt with Daddy's Princess written on it and a crown above the writing and a heart below)  out of her draw before running back downstairs

(Darcy's shirt:

I went back into the bathroom and took Darcy's t-shirt off, drying her off before putting the clean one on her
I picked her up and took her into the kitchen
"I hungwy" Darcy complained
"Lunch is almost ready" Caitlin replied

Once lunch was ready we sat down and ate
The house phone rang and I got up to answer it
"Hello?" I answered
"Hi its Mr Jones, the head teacher at Noah's school, I was calling about Noah..." 

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