Reality's Final Blow - Santa's Not Fat One Shot

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NOTE: f you are completing a payment for me, please note that this story DOES NOT COUNT. No one-shots are to be used as payment. I put a lot of effort into my actual stories, whereas one-shots are just for fun and have a lot more mistakes.


"You-you are a huge mistake-" Braden pointed a shaky forefinger at Naomi in an act of accusation.

"Am I?" Naomi returned, her voice sickly sweet, a smirk planted on her face directed at him. Her hand was nonchalantly on her hip, her long blonde hair flipped out of her face and her brown eyes narrowed in on the handsome man in front of her, knowing this move was guaranteed to make him nervous.

"Because of you-"

She modelled up to him, her hips swaying in a way that brought his gaze to them. Once they were close enough, she raised her hand and let a freshly-manicured nail slide against his cheeks. As anticipated, shivers ran through his body and goosbumps were seen on his bulging biceps. Satisfied, Naomi leaned in and whispered seductively,"No, babe, it's because of us."

"That's-" he started in a shaky voice, trying to get the words out. "Um, but Kristina- she and you-" he shook his head, realising he was not making progress. Naomi's silky finger dancing across his chiselled face didn't help. "Me and- Naomi please stop."

Naomi laughed, not withdrawing her hand or stepping back. She was getting just the reaction she wanted. "Don't act like you don't enjoy it."

"But Naomi-" he sighed, straightening his lopsided shirt that had shown a bit more than he'd like, trying to find the perfect approach to the subject. "Listen, you're a gorgeous girl-"

"Tell me something I don't know!" Naomi stopped stroking his cheek. "But you - on the other hand - don't seem to know how much better I loved it when your shirt was lopsided."

"Naomi, you are making this so much more difficult than it needs to be. Like I said, you're pretty're not Kristina..."

Naomi wasn't happy about this. Wasn't she far better than that whiny, annoying, over-enthusiastic girl? Not to mention the girl wasn't the best in the looks or body department. But she hid these feelings, and said in her sickly sweet tone, "babe, she has a boyfriend. Oh, and you left her. Twice. With a broken heart. Then you cheated on her with her best friend. Don't you realise Kristina would never even dream of dating you?" For a second Naomi stopped to draw in a sharp breath. "And neither will I."

With one last kiss and a confused Braden behind her, she modelled away swaying her hips so that what he last saw of her was appealing. Braden touched his cheek and his finger reappeared red from Naomi's lipstick. "Kristina will never take you back either!" He shouted in her direction, but she pretended not to hear.

"What is wrong with me?" She asked herself in a whisper, as she approached the bar. She had planned to get a drink. Yes, that sounded lovely. Something to get all these thoughts off her mind and ease her of the stress.

Naomi, however, never got to fulfil this planned action as she saw a head of familiar chestnut ringlets down the opposite road. Could it way! She quickened her pace gradually until finally she was running to catch up with her friend. She wanted to know if this was all true, what Braden had said. She couldn't quite trust that liar, but what if he was truthful in his words this time? Naomi would never know because in one minute the curls turned and she saw an old woman's wrinkled face come in view. It hadn't been Kristina after all.

Feeling utterly defeated, the beautiful girl only now noticed her frazzled appearance that she had aquired during this mad dash. She had stumbled through a muddy puddle which left icky brown stains on her white cashmere sweater and the bottom edges of her new stove pipe jeans looked worn-out and frayed. Her favourite turquoise DKNY wedge ankle boots were visibly ruined and one heel had ripped off. Somewhere along all this she had dropped her red leather prada handbag containing all her valuables including her phone and wallet.

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