Poem of deep thoughts

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If ever someone is also experiencing depression, I hope this poem of mine can reach you out and somehow you can relate. I know the feeling. :):


They say it's an act of cowardice,
But dont be a hyprocrite
When you feel the pain, what do you think first?
"I want to end the suffering and be happy."

Those were the words that I felt

Is it wrong to end the suffering?
When you know you cant just take it?
Somewhere between the light and darkness
But it seems the darkness overcome
Swallowing the little amount of light in you

Wow, I just survived the past few years.
What an achievement I have complete!

What's the point of living?
When you haven't found the essential of it?
You were lost and blind
In the dark, you can see nothing
There's no hand to lend on
No one sees your pain.
Its unbearable

You suffer alone. In the cold hard street
What is the purpose of my life?
Do I intend to suffer?
They say there are more people who go through a lot than me
But I'm not strong like them
I have a weak heart, I cannot take it
I adore them for being dauntless
But it's just that my capability is not like them
I need someone to hold on
But there's none.

What should I do now?
Maybe it's easy to end everything all at once.
It's better this way
Please dont compare me to them
I'm not like them. So sorry for that
I was only a display in the world
A supporting character, an extra

I was just placed in the world and abandoned
I have no motivation
I rarely breathe
It's suffocating
I want to end the suffering, please let me
It's easy to end the pain than to suffer
And death is the best way

It may seem to be over dramatic
But these are the words that left unsaid
You can see me smile,
You can see me laugh,
But have you ever thought of unmasking me?
There you can see the shattered me
I don't know when or where did it start
I just woke up feeling empty
It's like no one can mend it
Behind the mask is my true color.

I bet there are things,
That is easy to be left unsaid
People around you can't understand
They may think it's too idiotic
But little did they know,
They didn't even know a thing
Sometimes people around you
Is the toxic itself.
A living toxic.
But at the same time the remedy.
How ironic is it, yes?

They can comfort you,
But they can also hurt you.
They make the best of you,
And at the same time
They can make you feel you're useless.
They can comfort you with their words
But at the same time
They can haunt you with it.
They can build you with their words.
But just a single of it can crush you into pieces.

It's easy to take the bullet
Or stab yourself with a knife
To end everything.
Is the people around me the problem?
Or it's just me being so weak?
Is the problem is in me?
Is the joke is in me?
It was so long since I felt true happiness
And until now, I haven't felt it again.
I have already forgotten the feeling.
It's sad.
But that's how it goes.

Sorry for being over dramatic.
Where am I?
Oh, thinking about death.
Death is not that scary
What's more scary is how you will die.
I hope a time will come
Where I silently left the earth
By not waking up for tomorrow.
Life completely abandoned me.
No more sufferings, no more pain.
It's better this way.

And death is the only way.

I hope God will forgive me,
For this sin I have committed.




I just wanted to reach out.

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