Little Room

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I remember the screams from the bathroom.

I remember the laughs right after.

I remember the tears streaming and falling to the floor

I remember the arguments deciding between wallpapers

I remember the struggles of building the crib

I remember the pride in their eyes.

I remember the first day they brought home their prize

I remember the crying at midnight.

I remember the adorable giggles when her mother picks her up.

I remember the first birthday party.

I remember the toys she loves dearly

I remember the blanket that always calmed her.

I remember her first word. "Toy"

I remember her screaming to change the walls.

I remember her tantrums because she didn't get what she wanted.

I remember the first friend she brought over.

I remember her mother's funeral.

I remember the times she came to me because she was scared.

I remember the times she locked the door to hide.

I remember the yelling. All the yelling.

I remember the bruises she rubbed in her bed.

I remember the secret phone calls.

I remember the excuses she practiced in the mirror.

I remember the outfits she would wear to hide the scars

I remember the effort to put on concealer to hide the bruise

I remember the first boy she ever had over.

I remember the father chasing him out of the house.

I remember the storming out.

I remember the coming back after 4 hours

I remember the yelling to get a job

I remember the 16th birthday~her father forgot..

I remember her praying on her bed.

I remember her talking to her mother

I remember her crying because she hates life

I remember her blood dripping on her floor.

I remember her cleaning it before her dad gets home.

I remember her boyfriend adding more bruises

I remember her boyfriend giving her 'what she deserves'

I remember her promise to stop trusting boys

I remember her hard break up.

I remember her suicide attempt.

I remember her 18th birthday

I remember her grandma giving her money.

I remember her leaving as fast as she could.

I remember this baby who is now grown

I remember this baby who has been hurt.

I remember me protecting her from the cold.

I remember her loving me as much as i loved her.

I remember her not hesitating to leave for me.

I remember her coming out to her father.

I remember him screaming

I remember him slapping

I remember his tears

I remember his broken heart

I remember his gone wife who has made him go mad.

I have watched her from the day she came from the hospital, to the day she became an adult.

I am far more than a room; I am a little girls home.

"A little girl grew up in here, far too grown up to live here anymore"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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