Chapter Five- Rebound (2015)

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I am finally in my Final year, Year Five this is the year where all the works we have learn throughout our years and mostly in Year Four are going to be put into work. We have to showcase what we have learned in a practical. I am really scared for this because everyone will know what my powers are because this practical is done infront of the entire school. I have managed to keep my powers a secret for the past five years in this school and also learn new tricks and ways to control it. I finally showed Snow and Sal my powers and they gradually became accustom to it. My relationship with Chad is really great but I have been noticing Rah coming around him more. I'm trying not to over think but rumors are spreading and its getting me annoyed. I just keep thinking I am a rebound or a decoy for Chad to get with Rah but I keep that insecurity within. Even though Chad and I are getting close he still hasn't let me in on his past and his family. He obviously knows I'm a princess but I know nothing about his family history or past and that worries me.

So we are back in school and Sal and I are talking about what fighting positions to use better with our powers.

"Well since you control fire how about just standing and throwing fireballs at the target" she whispers so no one could hear what we are talking about.

"Really Sal, just stand no powerful kick while I do that or a flip or something." I laugh

"Well I that sounds cool when you say so try any of those, what about for me?" she asked

"Well you control water what about making it rain or something while sitting meditation style, you'll look really cool and focused" I joked

"Hahaha very funny, I control water, not the weather, you are no help." She says

While we are talking one of the girls in our class Fran comes up to us with and her little groupies not too far behind. She looks to me and says "Aurelia you are such a strong girl I don't know how I would feel if my boyfriend was all hugged up after school with another girl" she says

"What are you talking about Fran?" I ask annoyed

"Oh you don't know, well yesterday Chad and Rah were posted up in the back of the school cuddling and hugging. That's so shady on their end." She says with a fake expression of caring

"Well thank you for that information, Fran." I said turning back to talk with Sal when she interrupted me again

"That's not it though I have more information for you, you see we girls need to stick up for each other." She said with a sly smile

"What is it Fran!" I said getting angry and wrapping hands tightly around the seat handle.

"Well one of my friends also saw Rah sitting on Chad's lap in class this morning when you hadn't arrived, they were giggling and acting all lovey-dovey" she informed me

"ok," I said

"That's all the reaction I am going to get from you I taught I would get more but you should do something about Rah girl." She finally said before walking away with her groupies.

As soon as she left I unwrapped my hands to see burnt marks on the handle and my hands really red. Sal came over on my side to calm me down. I was getting so fed up with people I never talk to a day in my life come up to me and tell me all the things my boyfriend is doing. It's starting to get to my head a lot and I was about to explode. Lunchtime I am going to find Chad and Rah and get to the bottom of this. Because he keeps telling me one thing and then everyone else including me is seeing something else. He must be either blind or still into her to not see what is going on and how it is affecting our relationship.

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