I Dreamed a Memory

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"Come now, Alan...It's only a dream."

A man's warm voice enters the aforementioned boys thoughts. His eyes twitched while closed in disagreement.

"It's not a dream, it's...A memory...And it makes me sick..." Alan spat, but did not come out of the still state of hypnosis.

"Please...Focus. You're floating again...Weightless...A cipher...Relax.."

The man's words worked for only a moment when his eyes flickered around under their lids in a panic.

"(Y/n)...It's all on fire...I-I'm in hell-!"

"Forget her, Alan..!" The rise in the man's voice once again settled the boy for a time letting the man resume in his calmer tone, "She's unproductive...Go...To wonderland..."

"I...I can't...I'm trapped...(Y/n)..."

Alan could almost hear you again, 'Remember...' The echo of your voice would say atop the sound of fire crackling. He could see you too...In the blaze where you looked to be reaching out to him..For him to bring you back and keep you safe but he let you go...

"Discard that delusion! Forget her...Go...To wonderland..."

"I'd rather not, professor, it's all shattered...My wonderland is dead."

"Your preference is obsolete." The professor snapped before once again calming, "Now, Alan...Where are you now?"

The boy tried to focus and spoke what he saw, "I-I'm...Sailing...With a friend...It's...Different...Things...Have changed..." He observed.

"Change is good, Alan. It's the first step on the road to forgetting."

Things looked bright for the two characters when Alan's brow furrowed and he started his loud mumblings.

"My dear...Are you mad...?"

"I'm not mad." The professor stated with increased worry.


"That's not right..."

The professor's voice faded as Alan tried to place a hand on your shoulder. You simply smiled as the arm he touched rotted off into a disgusting black corruption.
"Something wrong, Alan..? Find me! Find me! Find me! Fi-"

Before he could think your head popped clean off and your body seized, bleeding corruption that soaked his wonderland.

Tears pecked his eyes both in reality and in his mindself as he tried to salvage your corpse but his touch only rotted your poor body further.


He yelled above his own white noise but the professor broke through his nightmare.

"It's alright, Alan! Let the new Wonderland immerse you!"

He clung to you for dear life as if hugging you would reverse the damage done, but the dubious corruption had other plans. Clay hands pried him from you, not without a fight he should add, but he was drowned by the pollution in his mind.

"I-It's killing me! They have her! I have to stop it I have to-!"

"Forget! Block that dream! Wake at the sound...!"

Alan's eyes snapped open and he sat up shaking. He felt as if a vital part of him was almost stripped away...His head pounded and he felt sick.

"There...Better aren't we?"

The Liddell boy glared at the professor who leaned comfortably against his desk.

"If you believe the urge to vomit better, then very much so.."

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