the vistor ( a niall horan fan fiction)

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my name is Gabby, i have long blonde hair that just goes past m boobs. it is wavy, i have blue eyes andf they are my favourite thing about me. i have a flat toned stomach but with slight curves.

lates just say i get in a lot of trouble because i am always at partied and sneak out.i live with my dad in Australia.

this time after sneaking out to a party i really think i have pushed him to the edge.

i walked in the door well sort of fell into the door to a yelling dad

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ?' he yelled. i told him to chill out, bad move, " you yound lady need to start to behaviouring". " or what" jumping in. another bad move

THATS IT YOU ARE MOVING TO ENGLAND" he looked mad while yelling at me. and i responded wasn't the best. "fuck off dad i am going to bed" i said while walking to my room.

well lets just say he was kidding. with in two days i was on a flight to london. see when i was 6 months old. my parents broke up my dad packed up and took me to live with him in Australia.

i had talked to my mum on the phone a couple of times. but i HATED dad for sending me here for 8 months, come on man 8 months really ? KILL ME NOW..

mum was waiting for at the airport for me once i had arrived. i have a small and didn't really talk to her the whole ride to the house.

when he did get there i soon realised it was a actually appartments and we were on the 5 th floor. as soon as i got there i went to my room and slept.


i finally woke up and it was 12 noon the nest day. i woke up to the sound of mums voice, she really was beautiful. i heard a boys voice talking with mum. " when can i meet her" he asked.

there was a knock on my door and mum said " Gabby there is someone out here who wants to meet you". " just a minute i am just going to have a shower and stuff first" i replied.

i peeled off my clothes and and let the hot water run down my body. i thought to myself i am over being mad, i am here one might as well have some fun, mayben then time will go fast and before i know it i will be back home.

i throw on some skinny jeans and a pink mid drift that was quater sleeved. i brushed my hair deciding to leave it down and put on some make up. the normal little bit of fountaion and some eye liner and mascarra.

i opened the door to a great big huf. i chuckled and hugged back. he then told me his name was liam payne. mum looked at me and said " gabby he is your brother" , " brot, brother" i questioned. liam then asked if i wanted to take a walk. i nodded and follwed his lead.

he explained to me that when mum and dad broke up they both wanted on of the kids dad took me and mum took liam. they didn't want to tell us because they thought it would be easier on both of if we didn't know. we ended up just laying on the grass and talking telling each other everything about eachother

i looked at him and tole him " you know i have always wanted a brother to tell secerts to , to come crying to if a boy broke my heart." he looked at me and smiled " welll gabby i ain't going no where" . and i knew he wasn't lying. he spent most of the day talking, it felt like he was always there.

it started getting dark , " he gabby do you wanna stay at my appartment tonight i am having the boys over and i would love for you to come and meet them" . he said smilling at me. i replied " i would love to liam". so we went back to get me some clothes.

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