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the ride to liam place went quick, i walked in and the place was amazing. "how do you get so much money to stay in this place" i asked , he just laughed " what" ? i asked he said "nothing"

then there was a large knock on the door, a boy yelled "LIAM LET ME IN I NEED TO PEE" , liam let him in and with that was gone in a flash straight to the toilet. a boy with dark skin and black hair came in and spotted me. he asked who i was. and liam answered " she is my baby sister" , "liam i am only a year younger than you" i said while laughing. " liam you never told us you had a little sister" he asked. " thats because i didn't know till now" he answered. " well anyways i am zayn" he said while smiling . " i am gabby" returning the smile.

next was the curly haired boy, " i am harry" he said while smiling. " nice to meet you harry" i said smilling back at him. then the boy from the toilet retuned giving me a huge hug and nearly knocking me over. " i am louis, but you can call me boo bear or sexy, anything you want really" winking at me. i laughed and said" okay love" . he run to the couch yelling " she called me love WAHOOOOO" i giggled.ithought I had met everyone when I looked over at the door to see this blonde haired boys , with the most beautiful eyes. I couldn’t stop looking at them

He came over and gave me a hug , he was so warm and gentle . “ I’m niall” he is said with his amazing Irish accent. “ a boy with a irish accent LOVE IT” I said while turing around to sit on the couch.

I sat inbetween harry and niall. He talked for what seemed hours , I don’t know what it is but with these boys I felt like I have known them, for hours we talked about everything. louis when decided he wanted to watch a horror movie. he picked the scariest one he could find.

i don't mind scary movies but i always hid behind someone when watching them . and sure enough a scary part came on and i grabbed the nearest persons shirt and threw my head in their chest. after i realiesed who's chest i had just throwed my head in.  it was niall's i quickly apolgized and blushed.

he grabbed my chin and lifted it making me look once more into his beautiful eyes . " gabby it is fine i really don't mind" he said while smiling . i loved it when he smiled those beautiful braces showed and he look so cute.

he put his arm around me and pulled me closer . i giggled i don't know what is was with these boys but i suddenly felt like i had knew them forever not only just a day but i felt so comfortable around them.

it was late till after the movie and we were sorta fraked out so we decided we would bring all the mattress out and would all sleep in the lounge , but the problem was that there was only 3 queens sized matteress so we all had to share.

after dragging the mattress out liam asked " so who's going to share with who?" . louis grabbed harrys hand and yelled " hazza my man share with me" witha huge grin on his face. zayn ran to liam grabbing him. niall smiled at me and said " i guess we are sharing" he smiled so cutely.

everyone was asleep but me i guess i was still on Aussie time, i turn to face niall he looked so cute when he is sleeping , what i am i thinking gabby no way he is going to fall for someone like you no way.

i see his eyes starting to open a little and i quickly shut mine hoping he didn't see me staring at him .

-Nialls P.O.V

gabby is so beautiful even when she sleeps she look perfect, i don't kow why but it feels like i have known her forever. she is so pretty , stop niall she is never going to go for someone as goofy as you. but hey at least i could try .

-Gabby P.O.V

i heard him roll over i open my eyes and smile and drift off to sleep

the vistor ( a niall horan fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now