Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- Cam's POV.

Once I shut the door I slid down to the floor. 'Your such an idiot!' my mind was telling me over and over again. He was only going to hug you, there was no need to flip out. He probably thinks you're such a ditz. I wish I could have acted cool and just given him the hug. But I couldn't, because just by touching his wrist I felt a huge spark ignite. I got up to take a shower, hoping to wash away all these useless thoughts. Once out I lay in bed I quickly fell asleep, today had been one tiring day.

"CAAAAAAAAAM" I heard someone yell as I jolted right out of bed. I looked up to see Vicky laughing her head off.

"You know you could damage my ear drum like that!" I yell as I look over on the clock to see that its already 10 in the morning.

"Well I've been trying to wake you up, but you wouldn't budge. That was the only way. Im sorry" Vicky said as she made her way over to me, making her sad face.

"Okay okay fine your forgiven. Anyways how was it at Adam's?" I ask, and notice Vicky turn a slight pink.

"Umm you know, the usual" she replies back. Just as I'm about to make a smart comment she changes the topic.

"So tell me all about yesterday. How did they take it?"

"Well they were surprisingly happy with it all. Especially your mom, she even planned the entire wedding with me yesterday. And the weddings in 3 weeks." I say as I make my way out of bed and to the bathroom.

"OH MY GOD! BACHELORETTE PARTY! AND AS YOUR BFFL IT IS MY SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO PLAN IT ALL" Vicky screams as she claps excitedly like a little child.

"Oh great, just remember, no male strippers" I say sternly.

"Not even one?"

"NO" I scream and shut the bathroom door. Knowing Vicky she'll plan an awesome party. But I've always liked it small with only a handful of close friends. I got out of the shower and let my hair curl naturally. Thankfully I had nice, elegant curls. I than decided to apply some eye liner and mascara and looked at my reflection satisfied. I picked out a purple coloured silk dress that was strapless and reached about an inch above my knee. I than topped it all off with my black pumps. As I made my way to the kitchen I heard Brendan laughing. I suddenly felt nervous so I stopped and took a couple of deep breaths, calming myself down. As I came into the kitchen I saw Adam trying to make pasta.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask, curious since Adam never cooks.

"Well Vicky's craving pasta, and I decided to make some for her" Adam says with a big smile on his face. I look around and realize what a mess he's made.

"speaking of Vicky where is she?" I ask.

"Oh she went to get ready, so we can head off to her parents house" Adam answers and I head to help him with cutting the onions. I look up to see Brendan looking like he's really thinking of something.

"Okay I'm going to go check up on Vicky. Do you think you can take care of everything?" Adam asks.

"Of course, just tell her to hurry up." I say as Adam heads off to Vicky's room, leaving me alone with Brendan. As I continue cutting the onions my eyes get watery and start to sting.

"Here let me cut that for you" Brendan says as he reaches out to grab the knife, and I give it to him happily since I really don't want my makeup running. Brendan starts to cut the onion like a true chef.

"Cooking is a hobby." Brendan says

"Wow, I've known you forever but I didn't know that"

"Well there's a lot more to me than you know"

"Really, like what?"

"Hmm that's for you to find out" he says with a smirk on his face. We fall into a comfortable silence and continue cooking.

"hmmm that smells so good!" Vicky exclaims as she makes her way towards us.

"Well lucky for you its made" Brendan says as he puts some pasta on a plate for everyone. As a take a bite I'm shocked to see how good it is.

"Wow this is great! Good thing you're marrying him Cam, he can cook for you every day" Adam says as he stuffs his face with more pasta. My face starts to heat up and I look up to see Brendan looking at me, smiling. After we all finish off the pasta we make our way downstairs. Vicky heads off to Adams car, leaving me with Brendan again. Thankfully he puts on some music so the car ride isn't awkward. Once we get to there house Vicky and Brendan meet us at the front door. Once we ring the bell Maria comes to open the door. She leads us out back where we see all of Brendan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I start to freak out, but Brendan squeezes my hand, calming me down instantly. Thankfully he doesn't let go and we make our to his family.

I walk around, hand in hand with Brendan. Thankfully I already know most of his family so it isn't awkward.

"Lets go see Aunt Suzey" Brendan says, as we continue walking in her direction. As we're walking I look up to see someone blocking me. I look up and realize its Paul.

"OMG PAUL! I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN SO LONG!" I exclaim, as I give him a big hug. Paul use to always hang out with Vicky and I. Luckily he was pretty cool to hang out and since he was Vicky's cousin he was over.

"Wow you look beautiful Cam. I can't believe u two are getting married. But hey if Brendan doesn't satisfy you I'm always available" suddenly I feel Brendan's arm wrap my waist protectively. I look up to see him giving Paul a deadly glare. Paul notices as well and takes a step back.

"Buddy I'm just kidding, no need to flip out" Paul says.

"Good thing your my cousin, or else you'd be out cold" Brendan say's as he pulls me towards Aunt Suzey. I feel myself getting upset over his comment. I stop and push his arms away from me.

"You know Paul was just joking around. There was no need to get all mad, and I can take care of myself." I say as I walk away.

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