Ch. 3 Forbidden Message

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The next day Japan was running as quickly as he could to get to Tokyo. He had to get to Tokyo. He had to tell Emperor Hirohito of this madness, that they needed to end the war...

Japan hit the ground hard, frowning at the pain growing in his head. He looked up at the man that shad shoved him, unable to speak. Russia, tall and macabre, stood and held out a letter. his face was one of bitter resentment. . Japan stood, took the letter, and brushed himself off.

"You..." Japan grumbled, taking the paper out of the envelope.

"If you do not now accept our terms, you will expect a rain from the air. Like which has never been seen on this earth. Behind this air attack will follow sea and land forces in such numbers and power as you have not seen and with fighting power you are well aware of." Russia said, reading the letter from memory that Japan held. Russia pulled out a pistol from his hip, pointing it straight at Japans temple.

Japan looked Russia in the eyes, he saw the hurt in those violet orbs. He could see that Russia wasn't willing to kill him right then and there. Was it a fear tactic? Or was Russia just wanting a reaction. Russia couldn't look into Japans eyes, his hand shook with the effort to hold the gun straight. The metal grip was colder than anything he had felt before, and tears filled his eyes.

Japan had stopped shaking and stepped closer to the gun. The metal pressed tightly against his forehead. He stood straight, strong. Russia looked him in the eyes, those chocolate eyes.

"You're lucky I love you." Russia stammered, and the gun fell to the ground. Japan breathed a hidden sigh of sheer relief. Russia pointed to the sky. Japan looked up, still keeping an eye on Russia. Soviet aircraft, no less the whole bloody army, flying menacingly over him.

"To the sea." Russia said softly. "Bombings at sea." His Japanese was horrid, but Japan got the message and took off. What was Russia doing? That traitor! Wait until America found out, that'd be something to see. He looked back for just a moment, Russia was watching him. Murmuring softly to himself.

Japan ran for nearly three hours. He stopped, nearly collapsing, something glinting in the sky caught his attention. There were three instruments floating down to the ground. The parachutes billowed just before they hit the ground. Japan frowned, it was barely eleven.

"Where are the sirens?!" Japan screamed, people turned and looked at him. Realizing who he was, they stared wide eyed. "They're here to kill us all!"

"What?!" They all looked at each other. "The Soviets wouldn't bomb us." Japan took a step back,. They had a point. Russia didn't even have a bomb yet. He remembered whenever America had first created a huge destructive power, but only the allies knew of its true workings. Russia turned practically purple and stomped out of the meeting room. Russia had nothing like what happened in Hiroshima.

The people were stirring,there was a coldness that filled them. A sudden sense of dread. It was far away, nearly ten miles. There in the cloud-break were two aircraft high over the city. No red markings. No horn and tusk. It was as grey and cold as the Americans that piloted them.

Japan gasped for air. He knew what was coming next. He didn't know why or how he knew, but he knew what was next. He was terrified. There was nothing he could do. A man saw his face, realizing what the aircraft meant, or at least thinking he did, he exclaimed "Why are they doing this...mass extermination?" Japan looked at him. "What can we do?"

"Nothing..." Japan admitted, biting his own tongue. "But hide and hope."



What Russia read off to Japan was what was actually sent to Japan after the Hiroshima bombing. I did a lot of research to make this pretty accurate. Now, I don't really think it is possible for someone to run three hours straight or that Russia betrayed America in the war. But you have to take a little liberty (A hohoho, see what I did there?) when it comes to these things. Besides, Russia's going to do whatever he wants.

I'm sorry about the short chapters. And I promise to make them longer here in the future. It's just...I really like leaving you wondering whats coming next, da?


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