Ch. 7 Communist Bastard

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Russia sighed, knocking on the bathroom door. Japan had, ever since he had found time to calm down, been living in his bathroom. There was no answer. Perhaps this sudden onslaught of illness is why Japan couldn't remember anything. China waddled over to Russia, putting his dainty hands on his hips. Russia turned to look at him. China looked so funny whenever he put his hands on his hips, rocking back and forth on his small feet, scolding. As hard as the Asian man tried to be stern, Russia thought it was hilarious. A small chuckle passed his lips.

"What's so funny, aru?!" China growled. Russia didn't know why they couldn't get along. Quite frankly, he didn't really care much for peace between them. China was too much of a party pooper, a stick in the mud, and a pain in his ass.

Japan screamed, "Go away!"

Russia rolled his eyes. "No matter how much you complain, argue, and threaten, we're not going anywhere." There was a low grumble from inside the bathroom. Russia sighed, "You know, the quicker you do what America wants the quicker we can get out of here and leave you alone."

"What do you want with me anyway? Why don't you just take me over and sprit me into tiny places amongst yourserves? That's what you want, right?" Japan snapped, the latter part of his sentence exposing just how horrible he felt.

"No, of course not, aru." China cooed, placing his ear tightly to the door. "We want to make you a better country. We want you to be our allies." His brown eyes widened at what he heard, whatever it was, and he stood straight up again.

"That sick?" Russia began, looking at the doorknob.

"Yes. I'm afraid he may not come out for awhile. Perhaps we should really leave him alone."

"Well why would we do that, da?" Russia said, stomping into the other room and dragging Britain in by his earlobe. Britain shook the Russian off, his thick brows furrowed together. "When we can just talk things through right here?"

"What in the bloody hell in this?" Britain scolded, prodding Russia in the chest. "What are you up to? I haven't seen you all day. Then suddenly you drag me into this..." Britain looked around, his emerald eyes full of hot fire, "place! And suddenly we're all talking to a bathroom! Are you all stark raving mad or something?!"

China's cinnamon eyes were wide, still, as he looked at Russia. Russia smiled in return and looked at Britain. Britain sighed, angrily, and brushed himself off to occupy himself.

"Reave. Me. Arone!" Japan screeched again, making Britain jump in spite of his normally calm manner. China attempted to stifle the laughter building in his chest and Russia simply laughed. Britain looked at Russia, then knocked softly on the door.

"May I come in?"

"NO!" Japan opened the door and swiftly slammed it, effectively smashing Britain's nose. This time, China couldn't help himself and he began laughing.

"But I just wanted to talk to you about removing Shinto from your government." Britain said nasily, holding his sore face.

Japan opened the door, completely this time, and glared at them all. Even with the radiation coursing its way through his body, he was still capable of delivering that stare that scared the living bahjesus out of Russia. Japan looked at all of them, that evil stare still on his face, and they all shifted on their feet.

"We just want to seperate State and Religion. So that you can rule the people by law only..." Russia began to explain.

"I wirr not become a Godless heathen, rike you two!" Japan said, pointing at his brother and Russia.

"I am not godless! I have a church." Russia explained.

"We merely want to have your government be religion-less, not your people." Britain said softly.

"Like me!"

That annoying voice couldn't be mistaken for anyone. It was none other than America. The blond-haired, blue-eyed, selfish punk of the world. Or that's what everyone else thought. America, personally, thought he was the best. The most giving, unselfish, caring, most intelligent nation in the world. At the moment, no one really dared to challenge him at the moment. Not with how carelessly he flung those bombs around.

Japan stood, shaking again, staring at America with those fear-filled chocolate eyes. He was like a deer stuck in headlights, unable to move against his better judgement. Unable to take that stupid look off of his face. There, right before him, was the man that had killed thousands of his people. The man that had, with a simple gesture of his hand, orphaned millions of children, made widows of countless women, and still had the guts to smile like the world was alright?

Russia placed his hand over his own heart. "One nation under God, he says," Russia said playfully, throwing a childish look at America. America fumed. If two countries hated each other more than death, it was Russia and America. They fought like the enemies they were, even if everyone else was afraid of America. Russia was fearless, or so it seemed, and still picked on America like a red-headed step-child.

"In God We Trust, he says," Russia said again, pretending to salute an invisible flag or general. "Like me," He jammed his thumb in his chest, "He says."

"Shut up, dude." America growled. "Point is, Japan, that we dont want your government making Shinto dictate what needs to be done with your people. We want people to dictate themselves."

"Now hang on a minute." China growled, turning to face him. "We never agreed on that."

"Yes I did." America snapped. "I think its totally awesome idea."

"Well China and I disagree, da?" Russia snapped right back.

"If Japan does become communist, then I will personally take care of it." America warned. China looked at Russia, worried.

"Would you like to tell that to the UN?" Russia said softly, barely cocking his head to one side. America was silent. "I didn't think so."

"I'm the boss here." America warned them all, before skulking back into the other room.

Japan popped his head out from the bathroom. He had managed to creep his way in there unnoticed by everyone and had also managed to avoid the arguing all together. Britain looked at him sincerely.

"We just want to abolish Shinto as a state religion." He said softly. "I don't know how else to explain it to you."

"No," Japan held up his hand, as if to notify every one that it was time to stop talking. "I understand. And...if I am sure that it would be in my peopres best interest." His chocolate eyes flashed to Russia again, another warning to leave him alone. Not that Russia was really paying attention.

"We also need to talk to you about establishing a new government all together." Britain began, but was immediately interrupted by China.

"Of course you get to choose." China said softly. "Don't let America bully you into Democracy."

"You can choose from anything, Democracy, Republic, A Parliament, Communism..." Russia trailed off, but Japan shot him a look that terrified him.

Japan's eyes were as cold and menacing as Winter's. As angry and hurt as the most beaten and used widow. There was a fire in his eyes that frightened Russia, right to his very core. Japan took a strong step towards him, a terrifying step. His hand came up to jam his forefinger right into the mans chest. It took all of Russia's willpower to stay standing in his place without faltering.

"If YOU," Japan jammed his finger in Russia's chest hard for empasis, "think for a MINUTE," Jam, "that I," Jam, "Will ever be a COMMUNIST," Jam, "BASTARD," Jam, this time it actually hurt, "rike yourself, then you have ANOTHER THING COMING!" Jam, jam, jam, and Japan stomped back into the bathroom and slammed the door so hard, it almost came off the hinges.

Everyone stood, shocked at the small mans outburst, looking at the door, unsure of what approach they should use next.

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