Chapter Three

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Time was almost endless as he sat in the waiting room of the Veterinarian's and waited for news of Toothless. He had an old watch on his right wrist, a battered army specimen that ticked through the aeons long minutes as he avoided thinking what might happen if the dog didn't survive the anaesthetic. He couldn't imagine a world without his best friend in it...and without Toothless, he doubted he would find the will to go on any more. He knew he was a mess, never having accessed treatment for the traumas he suffered and Toothless was the one person who could calm him.

He started as the nurse entered the room and walked up to him. He was on his feet in seconds, his face concerned.

"Is he okay?" he asked, hardly daring to breathe and she nodded.

"His leg has been pinned and is properly aligned," she revealed. "He's come through well. He's had his shots, been wormed and we've washed him and given him flea and tick treatments. He has antibiotics and anti-inflammatories to take and will need feeding up and resting..." Hiccup nodded in relief.

"Thank you," he said urgently, grasping her hand. "Can I see him?" She nodded.

"He's drowsy," she admitted as she led the man through to the recovery area and the limp black shape lying on a blanket in a large cage. His back leg was shaved and bandaged and he was breathing lightly only. Hiccup dropped to his knees by the cage and splayed his hands against the mesh, breathing hard.

"Toothless?" he murmured. "Oh bud...please be okay..." There was the slightest of whines and the tail managed a single wag. Shuddering with relief, Hiccup leaned his head against the mesh and sat back on his heels. "It's okay, bud-I'm here. I'm not leaving you..."

He had been sitting with the dog for maybe half an hour when Astrid returned, offering apologies and leaning forward to check on the patient. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes sparkling: for the briefest of moments, Hiccup felt his pulse accelerate at the arresting sight and he found himself smiling back.

"Doing well," he said cheerfully. "They've fixed his leg, given him his shots and even a bath!" The blonde smiled.

"I thought he looked fluffier than usual," she commented and crouched by him. "Are you okay?" He nodded, feeling the cough tickle his throat again. He had been coughing steadily all afternoon but he didn't want to appear to be so horrendously needy that he had to be looked after as well.

"Relieved," he croaked. "I mean I can never repay you for this..." She looked at him thoughtfully and nodded.

"In fact you can," she told him thoughtfully. "You can keep me company over the holidays and stop me drowning my life in bourbon and misery when I should be grateful for everything I have." He quirked a smile.

"Can't pretend to have much experience in the whole being grateful for being alive bit, but I can try," he admitted. "And Astrid...I am so grateful. Thank you for everything you did for Toothless." She smiled.

"Let's take him home," she smiled.

The taxi ride back was less tense, though it had gotten dark and the temperature was dropping. They had taken a Viking Cars cab because their motto was 'we never let the weather stop us, it's an occupational hazard'. The last part had been something his father had said and Hiccup felt a pang of pain shoot through his chest: he tried not to think about Stoick because it was just too painful. He had never been given the chance to make his peace and he had no idea if Gobber was dead or alive: he certainly wasn't in Berk or Meathead and Hiccup had never tracked him down. He sighed and hugged Toothless tighter as they pulled up outside the apartment block.

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