Chapter Six

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It was a very unpleasant seasonal surprise when Mildew opened his door the next morning to the pair of cops-Officers Hoark and Ack-who promptly arrested him for assault. Hiccup had pressed charges against the old man, supported by Snotlout, Tuffnut and Fishlegs, who had been witnesses to the attack. And though it hadn't been a serious assault, Hiccup had needed stitches and Astrid had been insistent that the vicious old man shouldn't get away with hurting him. And Mildew's day got worse when the building management company contacted him because he had let in someone who had known they wouldn't be admitted by the person they had come to see. The building CCTV confirmed that Mildew had let Eret in-Eret who had gone on to hit Astrid. The fact he seemed to keep a sheep in his apartment when an unexpected inspection was held all added up to his tenancy being revoked and Mildew being evicted in the New Year.


Hiccup had arrived back in Astrid's apartment as dusk fell and the temperature fell ferociously low. Quietly, he had stared out of the window, still in his jacket and hoodie, as the light faded before he turned to the watchful blonde.

"Thank you," he said quietly. "Thank you. I-I really don't deserve this kindness and generosity but..." She had walked forward, the picture in her hand and she had smiled at him, taking his cold hand.

"The man who can produce this amazing portrait doesn't deserve to freeze to death," she told him quietly. "You're an amazing man, Hiccup. I missed you. It was my fault. And I have to apologise as well..." His hands had tightened around hers and she had stared up into his eyes.

"You know, you're doing a great job so far," he told her quietly.

"And I need to do a better one," she told him gently, helping him off with his outdoor clothes. "Now you have an address, we can get you the help you need..."

"You think I need help?" he asked dryly. She smiled.

"You certainly quality for some benefits, maybe support for some courses to train you after you left the Army and...and support with your prosthetic," she added. "I guess it hasn't been checked since it was fitted?" He looked away and sighed.

"It rubs badly," he admitted and she sighed.

"It shouldn't," she reminded him. "So we're getting that fixed. And we can enrol you in whatever training you need so you can get a job."

"So you're putting me out to work..." he commented as they sat on the couch and Toothless struggled up into his lap. "Hmm...I could always busk..."

"I heard you singing in the shower-and no, that wouldn't even keep me in coffee..." she smirked, He chuckled.

"You have quite a habit there," he noted. She elbowed him gently.

"Better than booze," she admitted. "Hiccup-I am so sorry. I should have kept my head and not allowed myself to get wasted..." He shrugged.

"I can hardly talk," he reminded her.

"But you stopped..."

"I had good reason," he said quietly as her hand landed softly on his arm.

"Help me," she asked his gently. "Help me move forward and deal with things more healthily. Be my friend...please?" He leaned towards her and kissed her cheek.

"I am your friend," he told her honestly. "You help me and I help you."

"And we both help Toothless," she smiled as the dog gave a small yip and was promptly patted by both of them. His tail wagged wildly. Hiccup laughed.

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