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Spencer Reid was always terrible at timing. Before being able to fire his gun, Tate punched Spencer in the jaw and sent him backwards against the ground, snatching the gun from his grasp. Tate towered over Spencer, who was now laying on his back with tears burning in his eyes.

"Let me give CPR to Colette, the brain can survive only six minutes without oxygen and it's already been four minutes and twenty two seconds," Spencer begged, his voice choking out the words. "Please let me save my daughter."

Tate didn't seem phased by Spencer's cries at all, only to aim the pistol towards Spencer's leg. The sunlight reflected in his eyes, his face seemingly bored for someone who had been waiting years to get revenge. "Tate, Colette never did anything to you, please let me help her and I promise you can do anything that will satisfy you to me."

Spencer waited for Tate to lower the gun, only to watch him remain still and staring. He grabbed the hidden gun in the holster by his ankle, shooting Tate in the abdomen. Tate crumbled to his knees, a puddle of blood pooling around his body.

Spencer crawled to Colette once again, beginning compressions against her chest as he dialed Aaron's phone number in his phone. He pulled his cell to his ear, his heart fluttering from adrenaline rush. "Bring in SWAT now, medics need to bring in an AED, Cole and Tate are badly hurt."

Only seconds after Spencer ended the call, the SWAT team broke down the door and flowed inside the school. "Reid! Dammit, where are you?" Derek's voice yelled downstairs, a group of footsteps climbing the stairs.

"Up here! Hurry, Derek!" Spencer breathed twice into Colette's mouth for a chest rise, then continuing compressions as his arms grew tired. Medics ran down the hallway, an AED in one of their hands as they kneeled down at Colette's side. Another medic treated Tate, who remained unconscious on the ground.

Spencer could only watch as the medics cut open Colette's shirt, pressing the electrical pads against her chest. Jennifer rushed to Spencer's aid, gingerly touching the cut on his bottom lip. "You're hurt, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'm worried about Cole." Spencer watched as the medics continued to provide CPR and give electrical jolts to her heart. "The chances of her having a stable heartbeat after the past six minutes of her having no pulse is extremely slim, almost impossible, JJ—."

Jennifer silenced Spencer by embracing him, allowing him to bury his head into her shoulder to hide his view of staring at his limp daughter. Another two medics came up the stairs with a wheeled bed, gently picking up Colette to lay on the hard mattress. One man was still unsuccessfully trying to revive her, others wheeling her down the stairs.

JJ pushed Spencer away from her to look at Tate, who was beginning to regain consciousness on the ground by the medics and officers who had handcuffed him. "You won, Spence. He's going to be in jail for the rest of his life, and Colette will be okay. You won't have to spend the day in fear of him coming back anymore."

Spencer walked with Jennifer down the stairs to the ambulance outside where they loaded Colette into the back. One of the medics looked at Spencer, motioning to join them in the ambulance. "If you're coming, get in. We don't have much time." Spencer looked at JJ, who merely nodded towards the ambulance.

"Come with me, I don't want to go alone." Spencer choked out, dragging himself and Jennifer inside the ambulance. They sit against a metal bench on the side, watching Colette being hooked on a gas mask and given more shocks to the heart. The flatline continued to echo the ambulance, a sound that would fill his dreams for weeks to come.

A final shock to the heart, Colette took a heavy inhale of air as the heart monitor began beeping again. Spencer immediately rose to his feet, standing by her side as she struggled to open her eyes. The ambulance pulled into the emergency entrance of the hospital, two doctors from outside opening the door.

"Colette Reid, thirteen years old, 110 pounds. Scarring around her neck from being choked, small laceration on her forehead, cuts on her arms from shards of glass, possibility of a concussion." A female doctor reported, wheeling Colette into the hospital. Spencer and Jennifer slowly followed into the waiting room, watching Colette being wheeled away.

Spencer aggressively rubbed his eyes, running his fingers through his hair as he began to pace. "He—He cut her hair, JJ. Why did he cut her hair? Why would be do that? He hurt her so badly, I want him to be punished. I want him to die."

"Spence, stop." JJ raised her voice, pulling her blonde hair into a ponytail. "He's just trying to get inside your head, you can't let him."

Spencer shook his head, tearing burning in his eyes as he scrunched up his nose. "I just can't lose her too, I don't know how I can live without her."

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