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Best bitch 💃🏽 : We leaving at 2:30 tonight.
Damn bitch why so late? My nigga going think I'm cheating.
Best bitch 💃🏽 : Fuck that mf girl! You grown as shit Moe, and that clown know you going out of town! 💁🏽‍♀️
Yeah you right bitch, let me take a nap. See you later boo 😘
Where the hell you been at all night nigga? I asked angrily as Jamal walked in the house. Girl I been out making money and you know that. So in order to make money a bitch gotta be close to your neck? Or am I just retarded? You really got me fucked up nigga! I started yelling.
He was staring at me like I was speaking a foreign language. Man you stay tripping on a nigga Jessica, ain't no bitches out there on the block so why you really mad? I asked her.
"WhY yOu ReAlLy mAd" I marked him.
It ain't gotta be a bitch on the block, next time it's going be block on your fucking feet if you keep talking to me like I'm stupid motherfucker. But I'm not about to argue about this stupid ass shit so yeah. Ight bet. I left out the door and Justice was waiting.
Hubby 😘😋 : Damn no I love you ? You fucking tripping
Yeah whatever Jamal you knew exactly what you was doing fuck tard!!
Hubby 😘😋 : Enjoy your little trip and be safe yo
D.C. here we come, I was so ready to get out of NYC and have fun somewhere else. It was 2:30 in the morning and I'm not sure why Justice chose that time but it's whatever. So girl.. before I can two words Justice cut me off. If you about to tell me about Jamal I'm going smack you bitch, leave his ass in the house. He ain't shit but a headache with a little stress and some dick on the side.
Turn on some music bitch. Ight I said.
I connected my phone to the car Bluetooth and turned on my favorite song.
"Six in the morning, nigga at my door
I'm tryna figure out what he out that for
Last time i seen him he was talking shit
Found out his new girl can't suck no dick"
Trina blasted through the speakers and we sang all the way.

** 2 Hours Later **
Bitch, wake that ass up. We at a rest stop. I woke up looking crazy as hell. Damn bitch I thought we was in D.C. already. She laughed, nah not yet girl we right outside of Philly. They got some snacks and used the bathroom and then got back on the road. This time Jessica was driving. What time is check in? I asked Justice. Whenever we get there, everything already paid for we just had to check in. Oh okay that's good.
Hubby 😘😋 : Yo you good?
Yeah I'm driving
Hubby 😘😋: Wya
In the car driving I love you
Hubby 😘😋: love you too
We finally arrived at the hotel and got some rest.

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