Smiley Riley

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Narrator POV

Christmas Day
Matthew's Apartment

Times have been hard on the Matthews' this year. Corey lost his job at Abigail Adams High. Supposedly he forged a signature on a document, but the Matthews and the Hunter families both know it's bullshit. This isn't the first Christmas that has been hard for the Matthews, but the last time time it happened was well before Auggie was born. Riley remembers it well, for she was being bullied. I'll spare you the details, but let's check in with Riley right now...

Riley's POV

Smiley Riley. I've always been Smiley Riley. But no one know that half the time, the smile is fake. I'm a depressed kid. I pop pills to help me feel happy. Only my parents know. I hide it from everyone else. Lately it's been getting worse though. The pills don't help. Maya has started to notice. I've been debating something for a while now, but nothing has pushed along the idea of actually doing it.  I've been scrolling through my phone all day. All my friends are happy. They all had an amazing Christmas. Maya got a piano and a guitar. Farkle got the newest, latest smart technology. Zay and Lucas got tickets to go see their friends back in Texas. I should be happy for them, I should be ecstatic. I'm not though. I can't help but think of the past. When I was younger I had quite a few bad Christmases. This year was no different. Auggie finally found out Santa isn't real. There were no presents under the tree. Not even a single piece of candy. That's it. I can't. I go searching through my nightstand drawer. My fingers graze across the box. It's funny because as I pick it up, it makes a noise that almost sounds like jingle bells. I stand up, walking to my bedroom door and locking it. I go back over to my bed, opening the box as I go. I pull out something metallic, wrapped in cardboard. I put the box back into my nightstand and peel off the cardboard. The metal glints in the lights of my room, shining brightly. It's cool in my hand. I grab it with my thumb and forefinger, reaching over to my left arm and pressing it into the skin. It stings at first, then I drag it and the burn becomes stronger. I remove the blade and do it again. And again. And again. Soon my whole arm is covered in blood. The burning has stopped, the blood is pouring out. Blackness is creeping into my vision. I lay back and close my eyes, sinking into darkness. Soon my body is numb...

Maya's POV

I'm excited. Of course I am... but I know times are hard for the Matthews. I know Riley has been different lately. I know she's had a bad month and I know she has had bad Christmases in her past. In a vain attempt to brighten her spirits, I got her a Christmas present. I mean, what else does one do for the girl she loves when they're down on their luck? Of course, I've never told Riley I loved her, but I plan on it tonight. I know it doesn't look like much at first, but this stuffed puppy dog has one expensive collar. I finish wrapping it and leave the house.

Once I'm at Riley's, instead of going up to the front door, I want to surprise Riley. So I climb up the fire escape. The window is unlocked as per usual, so I slide it up, climb in, and put it back down because I don't want to let the cold air in. I grab the wrapped puppy and turn around, wondering why it's quiet.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I drop the puppy on the floor and rush to the side of Riley's bed. She's covered in blood, the bed is covered in blood. I hurry and grab my phone, calling an ambulance. They'll soon be on their way.

~A few hours later~

I'm sitting in the waiting room. The Matthews are here and so is my mom. We all sit in silence in the unnaturally white and sterile waiting room. A doctor walks out, his blue scrubs covered in blood.

"Matthews family?" I stand up and he walks towards us. "I'm sorry for your loss. The bleeding was too heavy and the cuts were too deep. She's gone." I fall to my knees, tears just start flowing. She's gone... Riley's gone because I didn't get to her in time...

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