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Jun-Seo took her to a small, not too crowded bar. The interior was edgy with black pipes visible on the ceiling, bold light bulbs hanging at random heights, one wooden wall and modern furniture. Mix of those elements created a welcoming atmosphere with futuristic touch. Cynthia thought that female bar tender was overly excited when Jun-Seo ordered two bears. She raised her eyebrow and looked at him. He also noticed waitress's behavior.
"They must not get too many customers" Jun-Seo answered simply

Cynthia didn't believe him for a second but appreciated his humor

"When I heard you playing in the park in knew you would have a great career" said Cynthia.

"You can tell just after running by me singing?"

"I was listening for a long time from the other side of the fountain, your passion for singing was amazing. I was in rush because my friend was worrying about me"

"It's good to know that, I was hurt a little when you casually walked by" he said dramatically while putting his hand on his heart and a playful smirk on his face.

"Stop playing!" She laughed "I'm sorry, next time I'll listen to all your songs"

~Testing writing in first person. I still haven't decided in which person the story is better and if I should use past or present tense, sorry for inconsistency. I'll fix it soon~ 

The bell above the door rang and group of girls entered the bar. Jun-Seo put his mask on but the girls already surrounded him asking for autographs. We finished our beers and looked for other empty bar hoping to have some undisturbed time. We got shots there. When someone was about to open the door we ran away like kids who just broke someones window with a ball. We kept running from place to place, drinking shots in beer or plain shots to keep it exciting. I told him about my life in Poland, moving to the US and my problems with learning English. In exchange he told me about his family problems and getting in trouble at school.
"When everything was falling apart I turned to music. It gave me purpose. My music is everything to me." He said slurring his words a little bit.
"We're similar in many ways" I answered with rolling my "r"s, I didn't try to hide my accent in this relaxed state "But my escape way were books, I felt like studying could let me live my life how I want it in the future" I said.

"And did you achieve it?" He asked

"I did, now I can support myself and my mom, just how I wanted. Did you achieve your dreams?"

"I never dreamed of fame. But I'm glad to be a role mode for other troubled teenagers and show them that there always is a way out" he said.

Jun-Seo was a great listener and it was very easy to talk to him. After many rounds of shots the conversations got more comedic and we acted like old friends.
"I should go home now, the sun will rise soon" I said
"..." no answer

"Jun-Seo!" I shook his shoulder


I put his arm over my shoulder and tried to stand up

"You need to help me, you're too heavy!" I told him

He gained his consciousness back and tried to stand up. He was so drunk that we almost fell on the ground together. At that moment I wished I was a lightweight but I could handle alcohol well after rigorous training that I went through in college. After struggling to get there we crawled into a taxi.

"Where do you live?" I asked

"..." he was back asleep already?!

I gave my address to the taxi driver instead.

As the sun was rising we walked to my door failing to stay in a straight line. We fell on the couch exhausted  from this exercise and fell asleep at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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