One - Dancing

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In all honesty, the club's neon sign was not the most appealing thing in the world. The letters cast a sickly yellow glow on the desolate street beneath it and the whole sign sparked and fizzed dangerously. 

Nonetheless, I pushed through past the door and was immediately thrown a loud room of flashing lights and warm air. The heat was no doubt generated by the mass of bodies that moved and danced as one - If you could call it dancing: Most of them weaved and rubbed on each other in a drunken stupor. - Music blared so thunderously that the air itself throbbed, the floor vibrated and my entire being seemed to pulse with the beat.

I strode over to the bar, it was quieter there. A few people sat on the stools; Designated drivers and those who simply drank to get drunk.

"Something strong," I told the bartender, who gave me an understanding smile.

I tilted six shots of something down my throat in quick succession, welcoming the alcoholic burn.

"Rough day, huh?" Asked a voice. I glanced to my right, where a young man with ashen brown hair and the most startling blue eyes smirked at me. It made me nervous, that enigmatic smirk, I could not gauge his intentions. "I'm Wesley Cooper, by the way. You?"

"... Brook," I replied uncertainly, taking his offered hand to shake politely.

"Is that your real name?" He asked playfully.

I hesitated, "No."

Strangely enough, Wesley did not seem too bothered by my use of a fake name, but he had scooted uncomfortably close, "Alright then Brook. You here all by yourself?"

I excused myself suddenly, not really caring if it came off as rude, and stumbled into the partying crowd, sparing a quick glance over my shoulder at Wesley. The man was frowning at me, but had not followed, much to my relief. He had been unnerving and I was glad to move away. 

On the dance floor, I was being bumped left and right, men and women ground against me and with the sheer amount of bodies pressed together, it took everything in my power to stay standing. 

I felt the music corse through my bones and my fingertips tingled in exhilaration. I let that feeling move into my palms, which I allowed to run down my body and trace my figure. I began to sway my hips slowly and fluidly, my arms moved up and I was running my hands through my hair. 

The six shots were beginning to take effect on my nerves and I felt my confidence grow with each passing second. My eyes narrowed instinctively and I watched from beneath my lashes as the other dancers on the floor began to move in sync with me. 

I let the anxiety and hesitation flow out and replaced it with the addictive tingling, I forgot Wesley and his indecipherable smirk.

The heat was more prominent now, but it did not bother me. I was too captivated by the sensation of movement. There was someone dancing behind me, I did not know if they were male or other. I could not care less. Their hands gripped my waist, which was pressed to their front, grinding sensually. Slick sweat glistened on our skin, and my breathing was ragged as they lent down and whispered to me, their warm breath tickling my ear and their sultry words making my skin flush happily. 

I could feel the hungry eyes of dancers who had stopped to watch us, running over our bodies and drinking in the sight, it caused goosebumps on my skin. But we danced like it was the only thing keeping us alive. 

It was exquisite. 

Even after I broke away from my dancing partner and pushed my way back to the bar, I donned a wide, dazed grin. Those shots must have been stronger than I thought, either that or I was still the lightweight I had been for three years. The bartender automatically placed a large glass in front of me.

"Oh, no. I didn't order anything," I said.

He gave me a wink, "Looks like you got an secret admirer."

I appraised the tempting drink, maybe if I had been less tipsy I would have had the sense not to drink from that glass. An alcoholic beverage ordered for me anonymously while I was too distracted to care did not sound like good news.

I drained the cup with thirsty gulps. Then I pushed out the stool and tried to get back to the dance floor. Much to my surprise, my legs failed to support me and I almost fell to the floor, only to be offered the sudden support of an arm.

I looked up, laughing giddily and trying and see who had caught me. But the bright neon lights were angled right into my eyes and the glare made it impossible to make out his features.

"Woah there, you look like you need help," Said my rescuer. 

I could not put my finger on it, but a nagging in the back of my drunken mind told me...

The voice was familiar.

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