Three - Stillness

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Wesley did not try to offer physical comfort, even after he had dialled something into his phone and taken a seat, cross-legged, next to my shivering form. 

He knew better than to try and lay a finger on me. Instead, Wesley kept completely still and silent as he kept an eye on my unconscious attacker, glancing occasionally at me from the corner of his eyes.

I noticed that the most, his eyes were a clear beacon through my blurry vision of tears. They were the most brilliant blue and seemed to shimmer as if wet with tears. I did not think that could be right, he would not cry over an unfamiliar boy that had been nothing but rude to him.

We sat there with a soothing stillness, neither one of us talking about the hateful, vile act. The fifteen minutes of waiting felt like hours, and my breathing become less laboured, my body trembled less forcefully. 

I was vacantly aware of Wesley standing by as blue and red lights came into view, flashing against the brick wall opposite me. There were people around me now, crowding and reaching out to pull me up. My arms had gained some strength and I desperately pushed them away, trying to curl back further into my safe ball. 

I knew they were only trying to help, that did not mean I wanted it. I did not want to move, I did not want to follow the police. Moving now would be acknowledging that the heinous act had happened, it would be interviews and accusations and investigations. I wanted to close my eyes and wake up from this nightmare, with my decency intact.  

Wesley was by my side now, he said something to the policemen and paramedics, causing them to leave reluctantly. He kneeled down beside me and murmured softly, "Hey Brook... The police are here, they want to ask you a few questions... It will only take a moment, then you can go home."

I nodded numbly, unsteadily getting to my feet. The paramedics sat me down on the edge of the ambulance and draped a heavy, warm blanket over my shoulders. 

They shone a flashlight into my eyes and spoke to Wesley, "There are only signs of regular alcohol intoxication, but we'll have to do a quick test anyways."

Wesley nodded and I wondered when he had decided to take responsibility for me. They asked me to huff into a breathalyser while the police began to question me. I tried to answer as best I could with my slurred words and low voice.

"Have you ever met this man before?"

I began to shake my head slowly before pausing, "I don't know... I think we were d- dancing together."

The police nodded, jotting something onto his notepad, "Do you frequent this club often?"

"... No. No, this was my first time here."

"Could anything you said or done have encouraged? Did you tell him no?" The officer began to ask, before breaking off suddenly as a hand pulled him roughly away.

Wesley was towering above the officer in an instant, "Are you suggesting Brook here wanted to be harassed by that filthy creature?" He asked lightly, his voice was soft and pleasant but somehow it held a veiled seriousness and tension that I even I knew not to push.

The policeman seemed to realise it too as he stuttered, "N- No sir! It's just that... sometimes people don't make it clear- "

There was a resounding smack and everyone turned to us. Although my eyes were wide with surprise, it did not measure up to the horrified look of shock on the face of the officer whose cheek was beginning to turn a harsh red.

"Someone sobbing while desperately trying to get away isn't clear enough for you?" Wesley spoke coldly, "Go now."

I felt an overwhelming urge of gratefulness for the blue-eyed man. He called over another police and began to request I be taken home immediately when there was a sudden call for our attention, a paramedic had come around the side of the ambulance, "I'm afraid you won't be able to go home right now. Your results show an unidentifiable drug in your bloodstream, possibly some form of Rohypnol or Ketamine."

"R- Rohypnol? What's that?"

"It's a date rape drug. Used by some predators in drug-facilitated sexual assaults," Wesley answered me, his brow furrowed in concern.

"You will have to be taken to the hospital so we can keep an eye on you for about twelve hours. Unless you have family, or someone who can look after you at home?"

"I don't. My current roommate is away for a few months travelling," I answered, feeling a small pit of dread in the centre of my chest, hospitals creeped me out and I hated the thought of having to stay in one overnight. 

Wesley must have seen my look of apprehension as he gave me a warm smile and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. I stiffened under his touch, it was the first time he had made contact with me and even through my lingering fear of earlier in the night, I felt a pleasant buzz where his palm cupped my shoulder. 

He seemed to have come to a decision as his fingers left my shoulder, "You know what? You can stay at my place for a while, if you like. That would be okay, right EMT? I'm trained in emergency aid and am completely capable of looking after another."

The paramedic look hesitant at first but eventually relented, "Okay, but I will be needing your contacts and address. We will call you tomorrow to check up."

"Of course," Wesley answered, leaving me briefly to sign some papers. So I sat quietly and waited patiently for my new source of accommodation to return. 

When he did, it was with eyes the colour of a tranquil lake and a soft smirk that I could no longer mistake as even slightly malicious. 

Maybe, in a long road of occurrences and butterfly effects, that wicked drink had brought something good to me too.

"Thanks for saving me."

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