Chapter 1 - Nightmares and broken souls

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*NOTES: A few things to understand this fic universe:

First of all, its title: is inspired by the song You must have had a broken heart from Westlife, because the lyrics are perfect for this fic and what it means.

Now the universe: Oliver, Sara, Laurel and Tommy are friends for a long time. Oliver dated Laurel when they were teenagers, but they are still friends. The island / league of assassins' part stays the same for Sara's backstory and the island for Oliver's. Tommy is alive, he knows Oliver is the Green Arrow (the way he found out remains the same, except the part they fight over Laurel. Tommy never dated Laurel. Laurel is alive.

For Kara, I mixed seasons 1 and 2: She is a reporter, Alex and her work together at the DEO, the plane scene from pilot happens after she was already stablished as Supergirl. She tried to date James once, it never worked out, so she moved on with her life. They are still friends. She's on Earth 1, along with team Arrow and Team Flash, but the multiverse still exists.

(at first) It will have 3 chapters (it can be more, IDK), because I plan on write different stories and want to know from u readers, what storylines do u wish to see about them? U guys are always commenting about things u find interesting it could happen, so I thought about doing short stories of 1 or 2 chapters with different scenarios and possibilities. Maybe I won't be able to do everything, but let's try this.*


It was summer and the skies were dark with clouds. It looked like a storm was coming but people on the Queen's Gambit couldn't care less. At least not the young passengers aboard. Oliver and Tommy talked, walking along the corridors of the ship. They both wore casual clothes since it was hot as hell. Laurel came in blue shorts and a grey t-shirt, with a bottle of champagne in her right hand and a glass in her left hand and barefoot. Sara came right behind her, smiling with a white tank top, black shorts, flip flops and a glass on her hands.

- Hey boys! Now we can have the party started! – Sara laughed as they all ran to a cabin.

- Now we are talking! – Oliver said as he entered the cabin after them, closing the door so his father wouldn't see them.

- It's all clear? – Laurel asked, laughing.

- Yes! – Oliver smiled as he reached for a glass of champagne.

They all toasted together as they drank and a loud thunder was heard, making Sara jump in scare.

- To friendship! – Laurel said as they toasted together

- Hey, chill! – Oliver said as he embraced Sara's shoulder with his arms – We are safe here.

Another thunder was heard and out of the sudden, all hell broke loose. The ship rocked so much, all furniture inside it slid out of place. The four of them hit their backs on the floor and the bottle of champagne shattered on the ground, a few of its glass cutting Laurel on the shoulder. She screamed in pain and Sara tried to reach for her when the floor started to crack underneath their feet. Oliver felt desperation taking over him as he looked around, trying to find something to grab when he noticed the ship was sinking. Everything was on diagonal and one by one, he saw his friends dropping into the ocean. He couldn't do anything but scream.

Another thunder was heard and Oliver jumped from his bed, feeling his sweat all over his body. He felt warm, he could feel his sheets were soaked as he tried to grab them. He was so confused; he couldn't even breathe properly. He looked around and slowly and slowly came to his senses. He was inside his bedroom, alone, it was past midnight and it was raining a lot. The Queen's Gambit was in the past now, not so distant past since it had been only 6 months he was back. And his friends were pretty much alive, they weren't with him there.

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