Chapter 4 - Two broken souls become a whole one.

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NOTES: This is a chapter I ended up doing like an extra one. And yes, it's the last one.

It'ss more foccused on Kara and Oliver because I wanted to have some depth into their relationship and what it meant for them.

This fic is T rated, and this chapter is full off fluff and deep emotional moments between them, I hope u all enjoy it. 

The gif in this chapter is because it was the first scene I planned on this chapter haha.

And thanks again for commenting and supporting. It means a lot!

More notes at the end


Kara looked at the screen on the operations room of the DEO feeling angrier than she ever was in her life. Livewire's picture was there, that cruel eyes facing her like a challenge.

- I say we go after her now, she is dangerous.

- She escaped, but we don't know where she is Kara...

- I don't care! I want her locked up and soon, you remember the havoc she created the last time I faced her! – Kara's hand went to her waist as she looked mad at Alex.

Alex looked at Kara like she wasn't recognizing her own sister. She knew Kara despised Livewire, but that behavior of hers was way more than just concern for people's safety.

- Kara, what happened?

- Livewire escaped!

- That I know... I mean to you! – Alex crossed her arms

- Nothing...

- You are a terrible liar and you know I know it... Spill it!

Kara looked to both her sides and reached for Alex's arm, bringing her to a corner.

- I met the Green Arrow...

- That lunatic that thinks he is Robin Hood?

- He is not that lunatic... - Kara said as she looked down

- Who is he? And how that happened?

- I can't tell you, sorry...

- He knows Kara Danvers is Supergirl... - Alex affirmed looking knowingly at her sister – Do you have a super hero code now?

- He trusted me, I would be pissed if he told anyone about me. If he is ok with meeting you or me telling you, then I'll tell...

- And you are acting weird why?

- We kissed...

- WHAT? – Alex's face now was pure shock

- Shhhh – Kara said nervously – We talked. We exchanged past stories about life and he told me he doesn't kill anymore. We both connected...

- I bet you did!

- Alex!

Alex scratched her head and looked at Kara with concern on her eyes.

- I worry about you and care for you, ok? Are you sure you can trust him?

- The same way he can trust me... We understand each other... We are more similar than I could possible imagine. And then, in the middle of our kiss, he got scared and took off, apologizing.

- Oh... That's why you're mad... Now it makes sense...

- Not mad, just... I don't know what happened, if he regretted it, is there is something going on... He just left me there in my apartment. And now I'm wondering...

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