I'm was Cold but Now I'm Warm

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Chapter 8

Sid's pro

Do you want to know what I'm doing right now? Well I'm shelving snow of the pack house's drive way which is 2 miles long while dragging a big bin of salt with me as well. And guess what that bitch made me ware while doing this, I'm wearing a t-shirt and shorts with open toed shoes on. I'm fucking freezing because it is -0 degrease outside right now. Help me please?

The only reason Magy is getting away with this is because my mates and the alpha ( and the scared looking boy on his lap last nigh) had to go to a meeting with another pack today. Which makes me sad because I would have preferred to stay in bed all day cuddling.

Right now I got about a half a mile done on the drive way after 3 hours of doing this. I really hope the boys get back soon because I most likely almost blue at the moment and can't feel half my limps. Just as I'm about to fall asleep from the cold I hear a car pull up I look back at it and it is the boys and the alpha (with the boy). I see them get out of the car and yell my name but I don't hear anything while darkness takes over me.

(Time skip 2 hours later)

When I become conches I am really warm like REALLY WARM. When I open my eyes I see my handsome mate all around me looking worried. "What happened" I asked dizzy at the moment. "We found you passed out on the driveway you body was cold as ice" Drake said while rubbing by left foot. "Then that slut Magy came out while yelling at you to get back to work" said Kyle while rubbing my right arm. "Then the alpha lunged at her while yelling and dragging down stairs to the basement" said Mason while rubbing my left arm. "That's when we took you in side to warm you up and let you sleep for a while and here we are now" John said while rubbing my right foot.

After they told me what happened I felt better knowing that Magy got what she deserved because you never want to go to the basement NEVER. So at the end of the day I ended up getting the flu and I had my mates with me and hot make out sessions with them and the next day we were all sick. Which meant CUDDLES. YAY!!!!!!

Merry Christmas and please comment

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