A new life

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But it was to early to tell, wasn't it? I mean, maybe it's not that. The thought of me being a mother made me smile though. I'd always picture myself being the best mom ever. The thought of being pregnant scared me though. I was only 18.

I was getting sleepy, so I asked Liam where I would sleep.

"Oh yeah, come, follow me. And Niall could hook you up with some clothes."

He lead me to a beautiful room with a nice big bed.

"It's been awhile since I actually slept comfortably in a bed." I laughed.

"Well, enjoy it. Because it's yours."

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here."

"You're my sister. I'd do anything for you. Goodnight. Love ya!"

"Goodnight, love you."

Niall came in with some clothes after Liam left.

"Here you are! If they don't fit just let me know and I can give you something else."

"Oh thanks!"

"You know, if you ever need to talk to someone, or have someone to listen to you, you can always come to me."

"Thank you Niall, I will. Goodnight."


I changed into Niall's clothes and turned of the light and went to bed.

I woke up early the next morning sick again. I went to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I needed a pregnancy test. Without waking anyone, I grabbed my money and walked to the dollar store and picked up a pregnancy test.

After buying it, I went home and used it.

Positive. Shit. What do I do? Do I contact the babies father or something? I didn't know. I started to cry. I walked out and bumped into Niall.

"Oh I'm sorry, didn't see you there."

He saw that I was crying.

"Woah hey, what's wrong?" He took me to my room to talk in private.

"The other day I did it with this guys I didn't know and now I'm pregnant."

"Wow, well think of it this way. You're bringing a human being into this world. And you're gonna be the best mommy there is. Am I right?"

I nodded.

"Are you going to tell Liam?"

"I don't know, I guess so. He is my brother."

"Good. Well I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll talk to ya later."

I went to my room to get changed in the same clothes I wore yesterday. I walked down stairs and saw Liam talking to Zayn. He turned to me.

"Hey Taylor! You ready?"


"Come on."

He lead me to his car and we got inside. He put on a very realistic wig and put sun glasses on.

"What's that for?"

"It's so I don't have thousands of people chasing me. I wanna be with you alone without being chased."

"won't people recognize me though?"

"Maybe, but maybe not."

We drove to a very large mall. We walked inside, there were tons of stores. There wasn't too many people there. 

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