Baby talk

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A another couple of months have flown by. My stomach is larger now. I decided to go to the doctor to check on the baby. All of the guys came to see.

My baby showed up on the screen. The nurse there said I was having a girl. We were all excited.

"What are you going to name her?" Zayn asked me.

"Lydia Nicole."

"Very pretty name!" Liam said.

Once we were done looking at the baby, we all went to the car and drove back home. Except for Niall, Liam, and I.

"Guys, I need to go to the babies father's house."

Niall looked confused. "But why?"

"I have to tell him."

"I'll drive you there." Liam said.

We drove down where he lived. That old truck was in the driveway.

"We'll be right here Taylor."

I got out of the car and knocked on the door.

"Hello?" he said while opening the door.

"Hey. You remember me?"

"You're that girl from the strip club. Aren't you?"

"Yeah. I wanted to tell you that I'm pregnant."

"I could tell. So do you know what it is?"

"It's a girl."

"Oh wow. I bet she'll be beautiful. What's her name?"

"Lydia Nicole. So you're planning on being apart of her life, aren't you?"

"I mean, yeah. I want to. If that's ok with you."

"I want my daughter to have my last name. And want full custody of her. I can have her visit you on weekends or something."

"That's fine with me."

"Good. I'm gonna go now. We'll talk again once the baby is born."

I left the house and walked back into the car with Liam and Niall.

"How'd it go?" Liam asked me.

"Really good. I told him I'm changing the babie's last name once she's born and we settled on me having full custody. I will allow him to see her every so often though."

"Sounds good."

Once we got home, I started looking through all of the rooms in the house to decide which one will be the babie's nursery. Liam said I could have whatever room I wanted. So I picked out a room across mine that was being used as basically a TV room. I wanted to start working on it now so I wouldn't have to worry about it later.

Everyone helped move things out of the room as I sat there eating more strawberry rolls and other snacks I could find.

After removing all of the furniture in the room, Niall took me to a paint store to select paint and some other things I could put on the wall. I wanted the walls to be painted a light pink with yellow polka dots. So we picked out nice pink and yellow cans of paint. We also grabbed a few paint brushes and rollers.

Once we got home, we all started painting the walls pink. All of a sudden Niall poked my cheek with the paint brush.

"Niall!" I laughed and painted his forehead.

Once the room was done, Harry asked me if we could go on a walk. Which was strange because we haven't really talked a whole lot to each other. We went outside and started walking down the road.

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