Chapter 12 Closeness

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Chapter 12


The light irritating me I try to hide my face in something warm may be pillow but as realized something pulling me from waist I don't want skip my beauty sleep but I felt something running in my neck I scared and open my eyes with jerk find my life front of my sleeping dug his face in my crook of neck I smiled widely his hands warped around me protectively my head on his chest I try to move lil he pull me more closer making my heart beats fast his leg tangle with me I try to move but his hold so tight but I moved lil to see him I don't want pull myself from his arms I looked him who look so cute and charming in messy hair sleeping like baby I ruffle his hair lil I just can't control myself to looking him like this I try to control my inner torment to touch him kiss him madly I don't want to embrace front of him again by thright me I shut my eyes tightly to calm myself then moved his hands carefully and went to washroom I took long bath

I went to out with towel on my hair I look him still sleeping I look clock it's 8:30am I should wake him up he have to go office but how will I face him god take a deep breath he must forget yeah yeah I take off my towel went to bed sat beside him he was in deep sleep i stare him with smile I forget that I have to wake him up I moved closer bend down lil my hair was my left shoulder I lost to graze him who look so handsome sleeping like a baby I creased his jaw line with thumb I just lost then my hands went to creasing his cheeks I bend down make closer my face to his who deep slumber I just lost to graze him I can't be get tried to stare him like this I don't realize that I'm so close to him his face just inches far

"Zaid"I called him like whispered

"Stop grazing me like this"he said

without open his eyes I come back to my senses before I pull myself his hands warped my waist and pull me in embrace Making me started his hands moving in my back making me more restless his face was dug in my wet hair my heart beats skipped

"Zaid... leave....m"before I completed his lips connect my crook of neck it's like it's his favorite place I fisted his hair

"Haya"he whispered in my ear with place his lips I groan breathlessly

"Zaid.."I try to say but he rolled me on bed and come on top his chocolate brown eyes capture


"You know how beautiful dream I saw you me our family enjoying each other but your fragrance make me out from dream" he said rolling my hair locks

"I was ......sorry"I don't know what to say his closeness making me nervous as I say he look me then laugh and took me in hug tightly

"Hahah you so innocent wifey "he said I confused

"Then why you laugh it's good na"I said he again laugh I confused just lost in his laugh and stare him lost again he laughed then his eyes capture me and stopped

"If you don't stop staring I will do something"he whispered I lowered my eyes can't take it and hug him tightly his arms warped around me after few minutes


" Zaid....zaid" i cried almost my workholic hubby so busy in his dam laptop I was sat on bed beside him and waiting when he get free but from 2 hours he only saying just 5 min or" rupenzle just lil more " hell with his rupenzle I'm now annoying with his stupid work I mean office time isn't enough for work or he took night for it

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